Monday, December 15, 2008

Evil Riddle...

"Pure eyes, blue like a glassy bead---
You are always looking at me
and I am always looking at you.

Ah, you're too meek---
beautiful, unspoiled:
thus I'm so sad, I suffer---
and so happy, it hurts.

I want to hurt you
and destroy myself
What you would think
if you knew how I felt.

Would you simply smile,
not saying a word?
Even curses from your mouth
would be as beautiful as pearls.

I place my left hand on your
face as though we were to kiss.
Then I suddenly shove my thumb
deep into your eyesocket.
Abruptly, decisively,
like drilling a hole.

And what would it feel like?
Like jelly?
Trembling with ecstasy, I obscenely
mix it around and around: I must
taste the warmth of your blood.

How would you scream?
Would you shriek "It hurts!
It hurts!" as cinnabar-red tears
stream from your crushed eye?

You can't know the maddening
hunger I've felt in the midst of
our kisses, so many of them
I've lost count.

As though drinking in your cries,
I bring my hopes to fruition:
biting your tongue, shredding it,
biting at your lips as if tasting
your lipstick.

Oh, what euphoric heights I would
reach, having my desires fulfilled
like a greedy, gluttonous cur.

I longed, too, for your cherry-tinted
cheeks, tasty enough to bewitch my
I would surely be healed,
and would cry like a child.

And how is your tender ear?
It brushes against my cheek;
I want it to creep up to my lips so
I can sink my teeth into its flesh.

Your left ear, always hearing words
whispered sweet as pie---
I want it to hear my true feelings.
I never lied, no...
but I did have my secrets.

Ah, but what must you think of me?
Do you hate me? Are you afraid?
As though inviting you to the agony
at the play's end, if you wish, you
could destroy me---I wouldn't care.

As you wish, you may destroy me
---I wouldn't care."


Using these numbers, derive the four-digit passcode from this riddle.

Monday, November 24, 2008

I'm such a Prick...

I just hate myself right now, but what makes this time special? Someone comes to me for guidance, to tell me about his problems but I was a total asshole and basically blamed him for it all. You see, he's gay, and is having problems with his relationship. He thinks that he and his BF will break up soon and it's because of the fact that he (the guy I'm helping) cheated during the first month of dating. It all turns out that his boyfriend is still angry, irritated and a bit embarrassed by it and wants to end the relationship. I tried my best to give a psychological point of view of WHY he's bringing it up now and didn't bring it up until recently... I basically kept going back to all the problems starting with the fact that he had cheated on him... It's true though, all the problems stem from that little thing...

Anyway, he started yelling at me and bringing stuff up because he figured that I was insulting him... I kind of was, but not to be mean you know? He says that if they do end up breaking up he'd wait only a few weeks until jumping right into another relationship; which I think is a very bad idea... I do recall him telling me that he would like the freedoms of being single again but why would he want to jump right into another relationship if he wants to be single?

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Blogger doesn't suck...

I've just been updating my other blogs, which is only like two others. I also have a livejournal, and a myspace blog. I've been updating my Myspace blog with political opinions and stuff, so if you happen to have caught my blog on here that stated my Myspace ID then you should add me as a friend and check them out!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

America is NOT a fucking church

Seriously. All the religious idiots who try to impose THEIR lifestyle on the majority of people are dumb asses. I'm sick of all this shit where if one is not apart of a christian sector, they are damned to hell. WHO GIVES A FUCK?! I make my choice to not support such ideologies because they are FLAWED. Why should I live by a doctrine that promotes hate? Those who say it doesn't should go fuck themselves, seriously. You see religious assholes standing on corners, ABORTION CAUSES CANCER, GAYS GO TO HELL, YOU WILL GO TO HELL IF YOU DON'T SUPPORT JESUS... I'm sick of it. All you idiots who believe that everyone should 'love' your God, should love your beliefs, it's time for you to shove it.

What really sets me off is that stupid Proposition 8. I could have sworn that Religion is not supposed to be involved in any sort of politics? What the hell was the fucking Mormon church doing giving millions of dollars to YES on Prop 8??

I don't want to sound extreme, but I'm tired of this. It's time that people stand up against those oppressive, pompous, idiotic people, and fight hate with hate. So the next time I see some idiot standing with a sign saying that I'm going to hell, I'm going to punch him/her in the face.

The Christian God says to not pass judgement on others - that's exactly what they are doing!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Warmth of Your Arms...

Love is something a person can't control right? How does one know if he/she is in love? Is it the excitement one might get when the person calls him/her and talk for four hours? Is it when one thinks a large chunk of the day about what it would feel like if the person would simply hold him/her in his/her arms?

I feel more and more melancholy as days pass by. I can't stop thinking about it... Did I make a mistake? Is it far too late now?

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Fire Inside.... ?

Hm. I haven't written for awhile. It's not because I hate blogger, but because I haven't had a reason to blog. It's been rather neutral for awhile around me. Not so much to blog about, so there's no reason to.

I bought a bunch of DVD's, My Spanish Coach for DS, Pokemon Platinum and Resident Evil 3 to keep myself occupied. So far it's all working, I'm not so bored. I've also been downloading a lot more lately. Thank god for torrents! Boy, if you don't know what those are, you had best look them up!

Anyway, I found a spell to help protect good health. I plan on using it for when I hang out with my friends on Halloween. We all need good health, and well, I want it.

Spell To Protect Good Health

Light a red candle. Say:

I invoke Gangida, great protector!
May we look after your treasures,
as our bodies are your treasures!

Light a black candle. Say:

Nullify disease as it approaches this body
Arm my blood with guards To slay all intruders!

Light a green candle. Say:

Gangida, grant protection
from all imbalances in the heavens,
from the earth, from plants, from air;
from my past and from my future.
Protect me from east to south,
from west to north!
May my body be rendered healthy
under Gangida's protection!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Okay, I have been without internet, but that hasn't stopped drama!

1. I ate some cheese that we bought the other day and guess what? I got Salmonella Poisoning! It sucks! I feel so weak and tired right now... I have one of the serious symptoms, but I can't go to the doctor... I'll just keep drinking liquids and trying to rest... Jeez, I love cheese... How could it do this to me?

2. The Ouija Board! Holy cow! The other day I was playing it with my mom and I think we encountered a powerful demon! The entire room like sank 10 degrees and it was getting really cold. I felt slight pressure on my arm ( as if someone was touching me) and a powerful draft. My mom was getting creeped out so I told her that if it answers "Yes" or doesn't answer we'll stop playing. She said okay, and I asked it if it was a demon. I got no response. Previously it was very response and everything. So we told it goodbye and moved it to goodbye, and then it stopped moving. It felt as if something VERY strong was pushing on it, like it wasn't ready to stop talking. I mean it was intense, the pressure of that thing! We managed to get it off of the board, and I turned on the light... Immediately the temperature went back to normal...

Knowing me though, I wanted to keep playing it. It intrigued me, I need someone to play it with me when I encounter those things... It's so fascinating, I really want to talk to it again.

Friday, September 19, 2008

License, School, and feelings...

I finally went and got my license today. I've been driving around for a little bit and it's a good feeling that I can take myself places without having to worry about a ride. :D I went to the YMCA today and worked out for a little bit, and then I went back to my High school to visit my old teachers.

The guy at front didn't want to let me in though, well at first. After awhile he allowed it and I got in. I was shocked to see that my picture was on a wall along with all the 2007 Graduates from the school; what a memory it was. I forgot how the school was and everything. There are a lot of things different but it has the same feeling. I loved hanging out with friends and stuff, now a lot of my old friends are scattered, away... I'm glad that a lot of my really good friends are still around though. :D

I visited with my teaches for about 10 minutes and then I left. Boring huh? Not really, I was able to get out of the house which is always good I suppose. :)


Although all is well, I feel pretty sad though. From seeing all the pictures from everyone on the plaque, I know that a lot of them probably won't be alive for the 10 year reunion. I know it's weird that I'm sad about that - there was a lot of people I didn't even know... But hopefully all can show up, along with all my friends. :)

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Yikes - School is back!

Sigh... I knew this day will come sooner or later, and well it's going to be here next Monday. I feel okay about it, but I have really enjoyed doing a whole lot of nothing the last couple of months. :D

I went to get my books the other day, and it all came to a hefty 502 dollars; thank hell financial aid paid for it. Anyway, I'd have to say that my total weight for the books are about 30 pounds... Plus or minus 5 pounds. It's freaking heavy, but good thing that I only need to bring in certain books on certain days.

Every Thursday I have to go to Ontario, OR for two labs. Hopefully my carpool ride will still give me that ride. If my older brother doesn't let me use his car, in case my carpool doesn't work out, then I'm totally screwed. I finally passed my license test, so I sure as hell need a car to drive! My carpooler said that I will have to drive every so often when she's too tired to - I have no problem with that.

I just hope I still have a ride!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Found out what a Nullo was!

HOLY FUCK! I've read some crazy ass thing before in my life, but Jesus!

I found a story on the internet just browsing through yahoo questions and came across this answer about a nullo. I didn't know what it was, but someone posted a link to the story I read and it was about y about a guy who basically gets castrated... He was a gay guy, but god... The shit that was told in that interview was so disgusting and disturbing... I got dizzy and stuff after reading it! I had to stop myself half way through it because, well, any normal person would have to!

I'll post the full story here, but god... It's sick!

Questioner: I hope you won’t be offended if I ask you to prove to me that you’re a nullo. Just so that our readers will know that this isn’t a fake.

Mark: Sure, no problem. (stands and unbuckles pants and drops them to his ankles, revealing a smooth, shaven crotch with only a thin scar to show where his genitals once were).

Q: Thank you. That’s a remarkable sight.

(laughs and pulls pants back up). Most people think so.

Q: What made you decide to become a nullo?

(pauses). Well, it really wasn’t entirely my decision.

Q: Excuse me?

The idea wasn’t mine. It was my lover’s idea.

Q: Please explain what you mean.

Okay, it’s a long story. You have to understand my relationship with Scott before you’ll know what happened.

Q: We have plenty of time. Please go on.

Both of us were into the leather lifestyle when we met through a personal ad. Scott’s ad was very specific: he was looking for someone to completely dominate and modify to his pleasure. In other word, a slave.

The ad intrigued me. I had been in a number of B&D scenes and also some S&M, but I found them unsatisfying because they were all temporary. After the fun was over, everybody went on with life as usual.

I was looking for a complete life change. I wanted to meet someone who would be part of my life forever. Someone who would control me and change me at his whim.

Q: In other words, you’re a true masochist.

Oh yes, no doubt about that. I’ve always been totally passive in my sexual relationships.

Anyway, we met and there was instant chemistry. Scott is a few years older than me and very good looking. Our personalities meshed totally. He’s very dominant.

I went back to his place after drinks and had the best sex of my life. That’s when I knew I was going to be with Scott for a long, long time.

Q: What sort of things did you two do?

It was very heavy right away. He restrained me and whipped me for quite awhile. He put clamps on my nipples and a ball gag in my mouth. And he hung a ball bag on my sack with some very heavy weights. That bag really bounced around when Scott fucked me from behind.

Q: Ouch.

(laughs) Yeah, no kidding. At first I didn’t think I could take the pain, but Scott worked me through it and after awhile I was flying. I was sorry when it was over.

Scott enjoyed it as much as I did. Afterwards he talked about what kind of a commitment I’d have to make if I wanted to stay with him.

Q: What did he say exactly?

Well, besides agreeing to be his slave in every way, I’d have to be ready to be modified. To have my body modified.

Q: Did he explain what he meant by that?

Not specifically, but I got the general idea. I guessed that something like castration might be part of it.

Q: How did that make you feel?

(laughs) I think it would make any guy a little hesitant.

Q: But it didn’t stop you from agreeing to Scott’s terms?

No it didn’t. I was totally hooked on this man. I knew that I was willing to pay any price to be with him.

Anyway, a few days later I moved in with Scott. He gave me the rules right away: I’d have to be naked at all times while we were indoors, except for a leather dog collar that I could never take off. I had to keep my head shaved. And I had to wear a butt plug except when I needed to take a shit or when we were having sex.

I had to sleep on the floor next to his bed. I ate all my food on the floor, too.

The next day he took me to a piercing parlor where he had my nipples done, and a Prince Albert put into the head of my cock.

Q: Heavy stuff.

Yeah, and it got heavier. He used me as a toilet, pissing in my mouth. I had to lick his asshole clean after he took a shit, too. It was all part of a process to break down any sense of individuality I had. After awhile, I wouldn’t hesitate to do anything he asked.

Q: Did the sex get rougher?

Oh God, yeah. He started fisting me every time we had sex. But he really started concentrating on my cock and balls, working them over for hours at a time.

He put pins into the head of my cock and into my sack. He attached clothespins up and down my cock and around my sack. The pain was pretty bad. He had to gag me to keep me from screaming.

Q: When did the idea of nullification come up?

Well, it wasn’t nullification at first. He started talking about how I needed to make a greater commitment to him, to do something to show that I was dedicated to him for life.

When I asked him what he meant, he said that he wanted to take my balls.

Q: How did you respond?

Not very well at first. I told him that I liked being a man and didn’t want to become a eunuch. But he kept at me, and wore me down. He reminded me that I agreed to be modified according to his wishes, and this is what he wanted for me. Anything less would show that I wasn’t really committed to the relationship. And besides, I was a total bottom and didn’t really need my balls.

It took about a week before I agreed to be castrated. But I wasn’t happy about it, believe me.

Q: How did he castrate you?

Scott had a friend who was into the eunuch scene. One night he came over with his bag of toys, and Scott told me that this was it. I was gonna lose my nuts then and there.

Q: Did you think of resisting?

I did for a minute, but deep down I knew there was no way. I just didn’t want to lose Scott. I’d rather lose my balls.

Scott’s friend restrained me on the living room floor while Scott videotaped us. He used an elastrator to put a band around my sack.

Q: That must have really hurt.

Hell yeah. It’s liked getting kicked in the balls over and over again. I screamed for him to cut the band off, but he just kept on going, putting more bands on me. I had four bands around my sack when he finished.

I was rolling around on the floor screaming, while Scott just videotaped me. Eventually, my sack got numb and the pain subsided. I looked between my legs and could see my sack was a dark purple. I knew my balls were dying inside.

Scott and his friend left the room and turned out the light. I lay there for hours, crying because I was turning into a eunuch and there wasn’t anything I could do about it.

Q: What happened then?

Eventually I fell asleep from exhaustion. Then the light switched on and I could see Scott’s friend kneeling between my legs, touching my sack. I heard him tell Scott that my balls were dead.

Q: How did Scott react?

Very pleased. He bent down and felt around my sack. He said that it felt cold.

Scott’s friend told me that I needed to keep the bands on. He said that eventually my balls and sack would dry up and fall off. I just nodded. What else could I do at that point?

Q: Did it happen just like Scott’s friend said?

Yeah, a week or so later my package just fell off. Scott put it in a jar of alcohol to preserve it. It’s on the table next to his bed.

Q: How did things go after that?

Scott was really loving to me. He kept saying how proud he was of me, how grateful that I had made the commitment to him. He even let me sleep in his bed.

Q: What about the sex?

We waited awhile after my castration, and then took it easy until I was completely healed. At first I was able to get hard, but as the weeks went by my erections began to disappear.

That pleased Scott. He liked fucking me and feeling my limp cock. It made his dominance over me even greater.

Q: When did he start talking about making you a nullo?

A couple of months after he took my nuts. Our sex had gotten to be just as rough as before the castration. He really got off on torturing my cock. Then he started saying stuff like, “Why do you even need this anymore?”

That freaked me out. I always thought that he might someday take my balls, but I never imagined that he’d go all the way. I told him that I wanted to keep my dick.

Q: How did he react to that?

At first he didn’t say much. But he kept pushing. Scott said I would look so nice being smooth between my legs. He said my dick was small and never got hard anymore, so what was the point of having it.

But I still resisted. I wanted to keep my cock. I felt like I wouldn’t be a man anymore without it.

Q: So how did he get you to agree?

He didn’t. He took it against my will.

Q: How did that happen?

We were having sex in the basement, and I was tied up and bent over this wooden bench as he fucked me. Then I heard the doorbell ring. Scott answered it, and he brought this guy into the room.

At first I couldn’t see anything because of the way I was tied. But then I felt these hands lift me up and put me on my back. And I could see it was Steve’s friend, the guy who took my nuts.

Q: How did you react?

I started screaming and crying, but the guy just gagged me. The two of them dragged me to the other side of the room where they tied me spread eagled on the floor.

Steve’s friend snaked a catheter up my dick, and gave me a shot to numb my crotch. I was grateful for that, at least. I remember how bad it hurt to lose my balls.

Q: What was Steve doing at this time?

He was kneeling next to me talking quietly. He said I’d be happy that they were doing this. That it would make our relationship better. That kind of calmed me down. I thought, “Well, maybe it won’t be so bad.”

Q: How long did the penectomy take?

It took awhile. Some of the penis is inside the body, so he had to dig inside to get all of it. There was a lot of stitching up and stuff. He put my cock in the same jar with my balls. You can even see the Prince Albert sticking out of the head.

Then they made me a new pisshole. It’s between my asshole and where my sack used to be. So now I have to squat to piss.

Q: What has life been like since you were nullified?

After I got over the surgery and my anger, things got better. When I healed up, I began to like my smooth look. Steve brought friends over and they all admired it, saying how pretty I looked. It made me feel good that Steve was proud of me.

Q: Do you have any sexual feeling anymore?

Yes, my prostate still responds when Steve fucks me or uses the buttplug. And my nipples are quite sensitive. If Steve plays with them while fucking me, I have a kind of orgasm. It’s hard to describe, but it’s definitely an orgasm.

Sometimes Steve says he’s gonna have my prostate and nipples removed, but he’s just kidding around. He’s happy with what he’s done to me.

Q: So are you glad Steve had you nullified?

Well, I wouldn’t say I’m glad. If I could, I’d like to have my cock and balls back. But I know that I’m a nullo forever. So I’m making the best of it.

Steve and I are very happy. I know that he’ll take care of me and we’ll be together always. I guess losing my manhood was worth it to make that happen for us.

Jesus! I still feel freaking sick after that... WTF is wrong with people?

Thursday, September 4, 2008

10 Ways to Boost Your Psychic Abilities

I found these browsing around the internet, and they look very promising.

1. Whenever the telephone rings, close your eyes and visualize the person who is calling. Then pick up the phone and discover if you’re right. Your accuracy will improve dramatically as you practice this exercise, and this exercise may help you develop your clairvoyant abilities in addition to intuition and precognition.

2. When you stand in line at the bank, tell yourself which teller will serve you. This exercise is similar to the first, but you can see your “target." This exercise helps you develop your intuition and your ability to psychically connect with others who are in close proximity.

3. When you watch a sporting event, tell yourself the outcome before the event begins. As you develop skill with this exercise, expand to predicting more statistics such as scores or top 5 placements in racing or judged events. This exercise helps you develop your intuition, precognition, and clairvoyance. Do not misuse this skill for personal gain, such as gambling, or you will likely lose your skill entirely.

4. Have a friend roll a dice. Begin by calling “even" or “odd" before the dice is thrown your accuracy will increase with practice. Expand to call the number the dice will land on. This exercise helps you develop your intuition, precognition and clairvoyance (specifically your ability to see numbers).

5. Work with a friend and a standard deck of playing cards. Begin by predicting black or red, and then have your friend turn over the top card of the deck. Your accuracy will improve with practice. When your accuracy is 80% or greater, expand to predict the suit, and later, the number or face of the card as well. This exercise boosts your intuition, precognition, and clairvoyance (specifically colours and shapes).

6. When you’re riding an elevator and another passenger joins you, tell yourself which button they’ll press. This exercises helps you develop your intuition, precognition, clairvoyance (number recognition), telepathy, and your ability to connect with others psychically.

7. In the morning, write down the names of people you will have important interactions or communications with that day. Don’t rely on logic. Clear your mind and allow faces or names to come to you naturally. Trust it and write it down. Using this exercise regularly will significantly improve your accuracy.

8. When in line at the movies, tell yourself which movie the person or group ahead of you will request (if you overhear them say it, try again another time!). This exercise helps you improve your intuition concerning the intentions, preferences and actions of others, and it can lead to developing telepathy and empathy.

9. When you have a meeting or appointment, tell yourself the colour of clothing the other person will be wearing before you meet. (This does not work for all people or situations. For example, you can reasonably assume a doctor will be wearing white, or you may know someone always wears a particular colour.) This exercise improves your clairvoyant abilities and could help you develop remote viewing skills as well.

10. Ask three friends a question (such as “what did you eat for breakfast?" or “where do you want to go on your next vacation?") Before you ask your questions, your friends must decide amongst themselves which one will answer falsely, and you must write down which friend will answer falsely. Then you ask your question and listen to each friend reply. Show them the name you wrote down before you asked the question. This exercise helps you develop intuition, precognition and can lead to developing telepathy. This skill is especially valuable in life the ability to recognize deception and even predict it can make your life, and the lives of many others, much smoother.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Still No Update...

I really don't have anything to update everyone with - sorry. I guess when I attend classes again I will be able to really add stuff... So as a type of update I took a blogthings quiz about being more capitalist or more socialist...

Here's my results!

You Are 0% Capitalist, 100% Socialist

You see a lot of injustice in the world, and you'd like to see it fixed.

As far as you're concerned, all the wrong people have the power.

You're strongly in favor of the redistribution of wealth - and more protection for the average person.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

My Birthday

Well I meant to post this before my birthday but I never got around to it.

It was pretty cool. All of my close friends got to attend and they got a long well with eachother. We talked, watched funny clips on the internet and ate food. A small portion of my family came, and they were : Aunt Sandy, Uncle Fritz, Patrick, and Amy. I was saddened to not see Estella or Daisy but I don't know. The party officially ended at 2:00 am where Jake and Aaron were watching Roseanne with me, and then they realized that they needed to go home!

Does it feel different being 19? Nope, not at all... In fact I feel exactly the same. I think that I will feel different when I turn 21 because, well, I can buy booze. Eh, I doubt I will though. When I turned 18 I didn't buy cigarettes and smoke them!

Well my birthday was yesterday on the 22nd, thanks for saying Happy Birthday!

Resident Evil: Degeneration

So finally a Resident Evil movie without Paul Anderson! It's time for all Resident Evil fans all over the world to jump up and down with glee and excitement! I know I did when I found out that Capcom is actually involved in the making of this film. I hope it comes out to theatres because, well, the other ones did and this IS actually Resident Evil. I hope it's as good as the trailer shows, I doubt it will disappoint everyone, well except those who have loved the Paul Anderson movies/ or haven't played the games...


Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Pokemon Wondercards

These are from a site called Jessikiel, and I figured I'd post them here with their credits. These are the wondercards to many of the events that people miss. They are the ACTUAL WONDERCARDS, they aren't hacked or anything, but the codes are for an action replay in which the wondercard gets activated. It gives one the legit Pokemon, and the Pokemon aren't hacked at all -it's the real legit/legal Pokemon but the method is different in which one receives them. I think that the only hack thing about it is that an AR is used to give the wondercard Pokemon - that's it!

Press L+R to activate. Walk into a PokeMart and talk to the guy in green by the counter to pick up your pokemon. Repeat as many times as you’d like. MAKE SURE YOU ONLY HAVE ONE OF THESE TURNED ON AT A TIME OR IT MAY SCREW UP YOUR GAME.

Jirachi This is the Tanabata Jirachi given away on 07/07/07.

Jirachi (JAPAN, Tanabata)
94000130 FCFF0000
B21C4D28 00000000
B0000004 00000000
0000AA3C EDB88320
E000AA68 00000104
00010001 00000001
00000001 EC3A0000
E865B6BB 72ED4341
03D29FF8 08D22206
42C020BA 56CCAFC4
0416DD94 D0203BB4
1DCBD633 B3E76338
C844BAAA 0C2D4B24
2AF8D3C7 C1F6E078
26A23B83 2081F664
490B1198 A0BD27BA
F39DE386 5A992A88
428DA6A2 24512345
BE80DD60 C96BC935
55EE08A9 261A3E36
F3419032 FD92DEC7
D4D05828 D769D537
B6B879FA 37B64AF7
DE460C22 92F95736
22317837 D4E459C1
82413E98 FF91B194
3CD5D027 02E7D2AB
9924107D D7934469
742B3167 A857A728
138B2BCE 26D8ABF6
975673D6 C1B333EB
D8372D49 062303D5
474E9945 00000000
00004000 00000000
00000000 00000000
D2000000 00000000

Manaphy This is the movie Manaphy given away at ToysRUs on 09/29/07.

Manaphy (US, Toys-R-Us)
94000130 FCFF0000
B21C4D28 00000000
B0000004 00000000
0000AA3C EDB88320
E000AA68 00000104
00020001 00000001
00000001 40180000
CE53BFD8 C99EE939
D571952A 5E70CCC0
7178FF67 5B9E8033
00994998 DB231297
58DF05D8 7F60FFED
7C861D83 7922EE0D
BC934429 56A6C5BB
D10BD51E 49B7C903
5E9EA2C7 A89EB76B
3F2AA169 A2AD7256
B4D869C3 73EE1BB5
382833F8 88B03E22
235E7020 E4CF4CC4
AC2141C6 1F17D2DC
B6DB7943 37D04AA4
DE200C44 92F95736
22317837 D4E459C1
82413E98 FF91B194
3CD5D027 02E7D2AB
A05E107D D5434469
742B3167 A857A728
138B2BCE 26D8ABF6
975673D6 C1B333EB
D8372D49 062303D5
474E9945 00000000
00004000 00000000
00000000 00000000
D2000000 00000000

DarkraiThis is the movie Darkrai given away at ToysRUs on 05/31/08.

Darkrai (US, Toys-R-Us)
94000130 FCFF0000
B21C4D28 00000000
B0000004 00000000
0000AA3C EDB88320
E000AA68 00000104
00030001 00000001
00000001 6BC90000
B1638690 E34BD7CC
53909B4F 5B52AD56
87F60BD3 601B9743
6CD03C93 7492FFF9
FA8857D2 88366A26
4E780F23 A6E9F710
6C36ED3D 021890CA
85D3A414 95F538D8
63C476F0 2BDFF8D5
4B73D168 A82A1370
A8EEFAC5 26C1B095
C1290181 85BFAB22
AC2141C6 1F35D2DC
B6C07961 373B4AAF
DE160CA1 92F95736
22317837 D4E459C1
82413E98 FF91B194
3CD5D027 02E7D2AB
E1D6107D 8C1A4469
742B3167 A857A728
138B2BCE 26D8ABF6
975673D6 C1B333EB
D8372D49 062303D5
474E9945 00000000
00004000 00000000
00000000 00000000
D2000000 00000000

DeoxysThis is the Deoxys given away at GameStop on 06/21/08.

Deoxys (US, GameStop)
94000130 FCFF0000
B21C4D28 00000000
B0000004 00000000
0000AA3C EDB88320
E000AA68 00000104
00010001 00000001
00000001 65FD0000
6BEA3C6E 85B0F262
32466C7C 5D293339
6F826E44 D75FFB2C
4B00B179 1D2FCA0C
E68C157B 20BD1E85
B429CA32 84B39889
379BC28F 0903AD15
3B0B8801 250D2426
0E4C639A 801DAC7D
23CC7D64 194702EF
9CE18F30 CB5C788D
ED2EA724 50650C08
176815B6 AE2E8C4E
64DCE7B3 825AAC18
AC2141C6 1FD9D2DC
B602798D 37224ACB
DE7E0CB6 92F95736
22317837 D4E459C1
82413E98 FF91B194
3CD5D027 02E7D2AB
1445107D DC0A4469
742B3167 A857A728
138B2BCE 26D8ABF6
975673D6 C1B333EB
D8372D49 062303D5
474E9945 00000000
00004000 00000000
00000000 00000000
D2000000 00000000

Regigigas This is the Movie Regigigas given away on 06/20/08.

Regigigas (JAPAN, Pokemon Movie)
94000130 FCFF0000
B21C4D28 00000000
B0000004 00000000
0000AA3C EDB88320
E000AA68 00000104
00010001 00000001
00000001 48100000
CFC7E395 9713AB41
1943B677 CD7A1274
DB89500F B3866966
AA98E22C 8791C6FC
2B5D7048 91D4EF54
AEDDFF58 F2388F91
155AD324 C5CFE3BE
712EA7CD 3930BD4C
473D263B 11D15214
7ED548C1 6CA99BCD
4F2ABB71 409AF316
E254112E 648103AB
95DA732E E0ED98FC
F9006057 38138D63
AC2141C6 1EFDD28A
B7CD78A9 37744A30
DEA80C88 92F95736
22317837 D4E459C1
82413E98 FF91B194
3CD5D027 02E7D2AB
D3DE107D DD1B4469
742B3167 A857A728
138B2BCE 26D8ABF6
975673D6 C1B333EB
D8372D49 062303D5
474E9945 00000000
00000000 00000000
00000000 00000000
D2000000 00000000

Shaymin This is the Movie Shaymin given away on 07/19/08.

Shaymin (JAPAN, Pokemon Movie '08)
94000130 FCFF0000
B21C4D28 00000000
B0000004 00000000
0000AA3C EDB88320
E000AA68 00000104
00010001 00000001
00000001 04380000
07A87D77 9B7878FB
AC5E54DB 56E166DF
AEDB6322 62B93B97
89D35ABB 7B2C076A
5A386B7A A7C8B6A0
E75EA395 150751A3
0E8DFAE4 4790EE3A
036A96FA 5FC16E37
2696EA01 9C374B2B
9A0584D3 8B9756DE
13FDBE37 DCAC0638
8456774A 8C3F9838
AC2141C6 1F17D2DC
B6DB7943 37D04AA4
DE200C44 92F95736
22317837 D4E459C1
82413E98 FF91B194
3CD5D027 02E7D2AB
8078107D D5834469
742B3167 A857A728
138B2BCE 26D8ABF6
975673D6 C1B333EB
D8372D49 062303D5
474E9945 00000000
00004000 00000000
00000000 00000000
D2000000 00000000

Thursday, August 14, 2008

In This Life...

I'm so glad that the Summer Quarter is finally, officially over. It has been pretty hectic but I managed to pull through and succeed. So far I know that I have passed my Mathematics class and I will find out the rest of my grades by next week. I get a month off, and it's going to be great. I'm just going to relax and find myself once again. The next quarter begins on September 22nd, and well when that starts up, I will start stressing again.
So yesterday I was clumsy. I knocked a cup of water over my laptop. Luckily it's not damaged or anything. I quickly turned it off and laid it on its side to drain the rest of the water. At first when I tried to turn it on later the computer would turn on but it wouldn't stay on. Then the computer asked if it could run a repair tool and that fixed my problem. No more drinking water or any liquids around my computer! I'm glad that it's okay now, but I have to be more careful.
I have found a song that I absolutely love! It's by an amazing artist by the name of Delta Goodrem, and the song is called "In This Life", it's absolutely amazing. She has a wonderful voice, but she can't compare to my Amy. :)

Here's a video of the song!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

I'm a hypocrite...

So today I gave in... I ate meat... I KNOW what you're thinking, god... I can't believe I did it...

After the first few months of being a vegetarian I used to crave meat, but then it disappeared and never came back. That was two years ago... Now it's back and stronger than ever... I saw an eggroll and basically inhaled the thing without even thinking about what I was doing... I let my morality fail and gave in... I feel guilty and everything, but what can I do? Throw it up? It probably wouldn't be a good thing...

I must say though that it destroyed my current craving. I remember why I stopped now, not just because of the animals, but because IT IS NOT EVEN THAT GOOD! I hate eating it... I guess it's a good thing that I did it, to prove to myself that it's not even worth it. It's not even that good, and I'm going to stick with being a vegetarian. I'm not going to give into my body's needs in order to feel better - I don't need to. When I did eat meat I was horrendously overweight and unhappy. Being a vegetarian helps me take control of the problem and even out...

I'm glad for being a vegetarian and I am going to continue with it.

PS. Does this happen to a lot of vegetarians?

Friday, August 8, 2008

We'll be lost Before The Dawn...

This song is for the person who has stolen my heart... The one who I can't imagine not having in my life.. This is for you. ^^

Before The Dawn

Meet me after dark again and I'll hold you
I want nothing more than to see you there
And maybe tonight, we'll fly so far away
We'll be lost before the dawn

If only night can hold you where i can see you, my love
Then let me never ever wake again
And maybe tonight, we'll fly so far away
We'll be lost before the dawn

somehow i know that we cant wake again from this dream
it's not real, but it's ours

Maybe tonight, we'll fly so far away
We'll be lost before the dawn

Maybe tonight, we'll fly so far away
We'll be lost before the dawn

Monday, August 4, 2008

Two Girls 1 Cup - Grandma Reaction

If you haven't seen the two girls and 1 cup video, I recommend that you do not watch it! Of course like most people in general, they will become curious and then look it up... Anyway, this has to be the funniest reaction I have ever seen in my life... Okay, well this girl sets up her grandmother to watch this horrendously disgusting video of these two gals, and she tapes her grandmother's reaction. I have to say, this is some funny crap! Watch it!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

WR 122 - Causal Argument, "Media Violence Should Not Be Blamed"

Violence in the everyday media has changed over the years. Things that one couldn’t even imagine being able to view 30 years ago are now on all the time. Some people have the belief that violence in any form of media will cause a person who is watching it to want to do the things that they see. What they do not realize is that usually when a person has done a crime based on ‘seeing it’ on television, there are other deeper, darker problems that may have set that person off. The media shouldn’t be blamed for violence, the person who commits the violence should.

A man on television did an interesting broadcast on the release of Grand Theft Auto 4, claiming that it will cause children who play it to believe that it’s okay to murder people, steal cars, make deals with the mob, and pick up prostitutes. In all reality, the only thing it will make children think is that if they do all those things they will go to jail; which in the game does happen. Saying it causes violence is false, if a person sees this and then does it, it’s because that person has violent tendencies. There was a report once about 4 teenagers who had played one of the Grand Theft Autos and they robbed a convenient store, stole cars, and attempted to run over a police officer. One cannot say it was because they played the game, but because they probably already had criminal records, and seeing the game made them want to do it. The game didn’t make them do it, they chose to do it.

The news media in the United States is far more conservative when it comes to what it shows. Very rarely will one see a person dying, or even someone getting brutally attacked. Unlike in Europe, where they show images of explosions, people dying, and nudity. When the Madrid Subway Bombing occurred images of the explosions and people dying were plastered all over TV screens throughout Europe. Could this explain the massive outpouring of support for terrorism in Europe by some Europeans? Seeing death and destruction for some people causes excitement, and the want to commit the same atrocity. People have the evil in them to cause violent crimes, whether or not the news outlets show death and destruction, some people don’t even need images to prepare themselves for doing things to others.

There was an article claiming that the United States and its citizens believe that violence is the only way to solve problems and that seeing violent images is what everyone prefers, that the evil that people do to each other is attributed by only the cinema, and the media and videogames. The Virginia Tech murderer had psychological problems; he did not kill because he watched Halloween, or because he played Resident Evil. He killed because he had psychological problems that had been foreseen by his instructors months before the massacre eve happened. One person argued that showing that he killed all those people is enough to cause the many ‘loose cannons’ in this country to see that they too can get this kind of publicity.

One person has said that a person who watches or, ‘absorbs’ as she put it, too much television that it will cause ‘harmful effects”. Sure too much television is never a good thing, but by claiming that if a person basically watches it, it’s bad. It’s obvious that whoever had written that article doesn’t watch too much television because if she did, then she’d see the hundreds of educational programs that are offered. Watching TV, whether it’s good or bad, teaches a person something. A person might learn that it’s wrong to talk back to his or her parent, that it’s okay to hug a friend or speak when they are being made fun of. Saying that it’s harmful to watch even educational programs isn’t very intelligent.

One cannot blame the media for such kind of violence that may have been copied from a media source. People are going to play video games, watch violent movies and many of them won’t even think about committing anything that they see. Violence is something that is learned, not that is seen on the TV screen. If a deranged person saw something on the airwaves then perhaps it was just fuel to set him off. A person just doesn’t wake up one day and assume that they will harm people based on what they have seen. There are deeper issues at hand… People have to be violent, in order to commit violent crimes.

Monday, July 28, 2008

New day, new blog

Last night I got about 3 hours of sleep, eh more or less. I'm not even that tired but later I know that I will be exhausted! I didn't sleep last night for reasons that are unknown to me. I wasn't warm, I wasn't excited, and I wasn't hungry - although I did eat last night. :D

I watched Halloween - Unrated, director's cut... Which is very different than the one that I watched online... There were a lot of things that were cut out of the online version, while the version that I bought included what seemed like 20 minutes that I had never even seen. I think the version I watched was the deleted scenes - included in the film.

I get an entire month's break at the end of this quarter! That plus like 7 days. More than enough time to get my license and finally be able to drive. I'm just too afraid to call the person to make an appointment with them... I just don't like calling someone I don't know...

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Breast Feeding... At 8???

Some parents spoil their children a little too much in my opinion. There's should be like a universal, common law that says that people should stop at like 2 or so... It's not healthy...

Friday, July 25, 2008

Craving a book, Chris Crocker Leaves, Camden

Over the past couple of days, I have been craving something. At first it was very difficult to discover what it was, but then I realized with shock... I NEED TO READ A BOOK!!! The only books I have read in the past 5 months were freaking college books, math books, and stuff I DID NOT WANT TO READ!!! I need to add fresh information for my brain... It's driving me nuts... I used to read all the freaking time and not having that freedom to just lay down in my bed and read a good novel is driving me nuts... I really cannot wait for my entire month break coming up! AUGUST 15 WILL BE MARKED ON MY CALENDER.... *Salivates*...


So I logged into Youtube a few moments ago and saw that my subscription has been updated. Chris Crocker has stated that he is finally leaving youtube all together and will have his own website. I think it's great because if people don't like him, then they won't check out his site. He states that he's really looking forward to it, but my question is: Are all of his videos still going to exist on his youtube account? Or is he going to delete his account all together?

Chris Crocker Leaves!


Camden... What a person he is. He's so amazing and so great. I wish I never turned him down, it's kind of weird that I even admit that I do like him. I don't feel embarrased for posting this, I don't think any of my friends are even going to read this. Anyway, he's so cute and he's such a good person - he just doesn't realize it. I love everything about him, and there's nothing I don't like. We have so much in common, we love the same movies, the same games, and the same a lot of things. He's dating a guy named Nick, and well I wish them the best. If anything does happen between them well I will be there to console Camden, (Not to become the new BF or anything) but to help him through the tough time. He deserves the best, and it's obvious that I am the best.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Chris Crocker is a dancer!

Even my own words cannot express what these two videos say... Watch them for yourselves.

"Chris Crocker is Damaged"

"Chris Crocker - Britney, This is for you!"

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Some People are just morons...

Lol, so I was on Psypokes arguing with some conservative douchebag and well he made it seem as if he was a good little church boy. Anyway, I thought it'd be funny to check out his little blog somewhere and I have to say - what a hypocrite! All he does is cuss, wish people to die, and even threaten some people to their deaths. Pretty amusing I'd think, the mods at Psypokes got a bit angry because I was poking fun at his retarded religion...

People cannot call themselves Christian if they aren't Christ-like...

Here's his blog/website...

Blogthings - What does your birthday mean?

Your Birthdate: August 22

You tend to be understated and under appreciated.

You have a hidden force to do amazing things, doing them your own way.

People may see you as strange and shy, but they know little.

Your unconventional ways have more power than they (and even you) know.

Your strength: Standing up for what you know is true

Your weakness: You tend to be picky and rigid

Your power color: Silver

Your power symbol: Square

Your power month: April

Thursday, July 17, 2008


I haven't blogged for a couple of days. Well there goes my goal of trying to blog everyday but I have been overly stressed with life and college. The homework is heavy, but I feel relieved enough now to write since it's all done. Right now I'm watching my favorite comedian, Kathy Griffin and contemplating putting my pillow and blanket into the dryer so I can go to bed. Recently the weather here in Idaho is relatively warm and slightly humid. I hate hot weather, it makes me sweat so much. That's the reason why I had to wash my pillow and blanket...

For some reason my room has been getting extremely hot. I swear to hell that it gets like 105 degrees in my room during the day. Having a fan in there makes it more tolerable, but it really just pushes around the hot hair back and forth... Sigh, hopefully this weather will cool down!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

The Plot Thickens...

So I was originally planning to blog about the crap load of homework that I currently have, but have decided that I'm going to write about the news that I recently discovered.

Well a few days ago I wrote my friend Sarah, whom I graduated with in '07. We've seen eachother a couple of times and we even ate at subway. Well that email I sent her came back yesterday and it was filled with information that I was very shocked to learn about. First off, she's a Mormon so she's supposed to have good intentions, niceness and modesty. Well she told me that she had sex before getting married, now is pregnant GOT married, (DIDN'T EVEN INVITE ME) and well has basically forgotten all about me.

I wouldn't have cared about those other things if she had told me around the time it started to happen. I feel as if we sort of lost our connection... It makes me sad to say this but she's a hypocrite. I don't even know if I can talk to her anymore. She hasn't spoken to me in more than 3 months and well she drops that bomb unto me... She used to be the person that I knew would follow her own beliefs, to not stray from them... I'm not religious but she's really lost her way now.

I don't give a shit if anyone says that I have no right to say anything - I don't care. I need sometime to think... To decide. Usually when people do this to me, and we're 'supposed' to be friends I don't fall back unto my friendship that we had. It's almost impossible to get my trust back, to become friends again. I can't even fucking think clearly...

Friendships are built on being able to tell eachother things, not totally ignore them as non-existent and expect someone to understand... I'm not that way, and I don't forgive someone for lying to herself. Never...

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Why Internet Relationships Cannot Work

I read in my Psychology book about internet relationships and was very impressed on why they can't work. Apparently to have a successful relationship a person has to be within a certain distance of the other person. Internet relationships are usually long distance so therefore aren't a 'real' relationship. It's called a 'romantic relationship', in which in reality there isn't any physical contact because of the distance factor. The distance thing also doesn't allow the two in the 'relationship' to actually test it out to see if it'll work because it's all based on dreams, 'future anticipations', and wanted outcomes - which in all reality is impossible. Usually romantic relationships only last for 6-12 months. However ones that do involve physical contact, similarities, and interests are the ones that can last a lifetime.

PS. I didn't copy anything out of the book and type it out here. It's all a personal interpretation of what was read.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Bigoted Pricks

I'll let your formulate your own opinions about this prick asshole. I came across this on the Homosexuality Forum on the Psypoke Website.

This is just my opinion; but homosexuality is wrong. The parts weren't made to be compatible.
Most of the time their general demeanor just, to be frank, pisses me off. I don't mind them if they don't go around shouting, "I'm gay, i'm gay," at the top of their lungs, but the ones who openly show their sexuality make me mad.

I don't mind bisexuals though; at least they like the opposite sex.

Say my logic is flawed, I honestly don't care. It's my opinion, and if you don't like it get over it.

I just have to say that it's unbelievable how people are in this world... This is what I meant by my last blog... Why can't we live in a world where everyone gets along no matter their beliefs, orientation, or anything?! It really angers me, and saddens me at the same time...

A Past Viewing...

I was just looking at a lot of my past postings and I must say.. What the hell? Two years really change a person, but jeez I changed a lot... I seriously believe now what my 10th grade English teacher told me that it's fun to look at your past writings and you will see how much you really have changed as a person. Yeah I was pretty amazed. I'm kind of creeped out to even look at my past journals from High School, back when I really didn't take my writing seriously.

WOW.... That's the only word for it... Wow...

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Field of Innocence

I've posted what this song means to me before, but never on this site.

This song is written by Amy Lee, and was sung by her many years ago. This song has the most meaning to me than any other song in the world. Why? Because the lyrics tell a story about a person having to grow up so fast, for so many reasons and that 'the sun felt so warm on his/her back but now it seems colder now'. Sometimes whenever I feel depressed about something... I remember this song, and it helps me a lot. I want to go back to knowing nothing, and believing in everything.

It's amazing what power this song holds. 'Where has my heart gone? Trapped in the eyes of a stranger. Oh I, I want to go back to believing in everything...' I know how many people say that they're glad for being an adult already. It could be partly of a tramatic childhood or even that they hated their childhood. I can say that my own wasn't perfect, but I didn't hate it. I loved being a child, where everything was so worry free... Without consequence and without anger... The sun did seem warmer then, but now it feels colder. Now that I've grown and am much more mature I find that there are many things in this world that aren't great...

There's so much hatred, sadness and evil in this world that it's horrible. I find myself almost everyday wondering how someone like me exists in such a world... Terrorism, bigotry and everything in between being so prevelant that it seems impossible for one to even consider making it into the real world unscathed.

'In the darkness of the storm lies an evil, and it is me.'

'I still remember'

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

College, Psychology, and blogging...

So I've started back at college now for a total of 3 days. So far it's good, although since it's the summer course now everything is at a much faster pase because everything must be covered in such less of time. Everything is okay, but my math class is my evil 'speech' class this quarter. Speech last quarter was the most homework driven course, and now it's math. We've been given 4 assignments in math and they're all do on Monday. We also have a test over those assignments next week, although I don't know when.

My favourite class would happen to be Psychology. My instructor is amazing and she shares some of her personal experiences and her own wisdom with us as a class. Today was the most amazing class experiences so far. She explained the 'chair' method with getting people to express their feelings towards someone they can't speak to either because of a traumatic issue or that the other person is deceased. Anyway, she's a therapist but she teaches as a second job, so that's a reason why she went in depth today about the method. Which in my opinion was well explained and very interesting. I really look forward to continuing my education with this class and it's helping me to see that I have made the right to decision and I can't wait to learn more about people and of course myself.

So I've been blogging now for about 2 years. I haven't blogged everyday, but now that I've started to 'rediscover' my blog, I've been able to organize my thoughts and feelings. I love blogging, and it's going to be something that I will try to do even more often. I know it's like an addiction now, but not reading or playing videogames, but it's a level below. That doesn't mean that it's not important, it is, but it's difficult to get around to everyday when you lead a busy life.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

L'amour comme il devrait ĂȘtre...

Je me trouve, chaque jour dans une vie sans de l'amour... Je sais que je dis à tout le monde que je n'ai pas envie de le trouver... Mais avec une personne qui j'ai déjà dit 'non', pourquoi est-ce que je me demande s'il m'adore toujours? Il m'a dit qu'il m'adore un peu et il veut aller un jour en France pour visiter, avec moi (pendant des vacances). C'est comme je n'ai pas le courage de me dire que ce n'est possible...

Il est le copain d'un autre... Je ne devrais pas essayer d'ĂȘtre ça...

Thursday, June 19, 2008

I have a Myspace!

Haha, I really don't have a topic or anything to discuss today! So I thought I'd let any passer-byers know that I have a myspace account besides having such an awesome, well-read blog! Hmm, so yeah those who have one, and like the things I have to say ADD ME! Let me know though that you like what I say, or that we have something in common! Like I always say, it's good to meet people with similar interests, as it helps friendship to grow!


Saturday, June 14, 2008

Kathy Griffin - The Goddess of comedy

, Yeah I've been meaning to write about the ever-so-wonderful Kathy Griffin. It's kind of funny though that I'd never really liked her until about maybe 2 months ago. I was watching one of her specials on Bravo and she was doing a standup comedy. I think it was called 'straight to hell', but anyway since then I've been hooked! She's so hilarious, and she really can cause controversy. I really can't see why people don't like her, she has an awesome personality and a sense of humour that not many people have nowadays.

My favourite comedian used to be Margaret Cho, but now she's second when compared to Kathy. I actually think Kathy has had much more publicity than Margaret has had. From Seinfeld to saying "suck it Jesus", Kathy really has made a career for herself. Don't get me wrong, I still love Margaret's amazingly 'gay' humour. Seriously, she's good, but I like Kathy a lot more.

So anyway, I was thinking about actually buying Kathy's comedy specials off of Amazon... Then I realise that I have other things I need, and want to buy.... I guess that I'll just have to add her specials to my list of things to buy and go through it much later.

A clip of Kathy telling British people that she's making a sex tape with Judi Dench!

Hectic week? Don't Think so!

So lately I've been a little sick and achy. Jeez, I hate getting sick... I mean what kind of sicko would? It drains you out, makes you feel bad... And ew, makes you leak from your nose! I'm starting to feel better though; but my throat is still kind of hurting. Hopefully I'm fully better by tomorrow so I can enjoy my week off before I start my new quarter. Which reminds me! I need to look up my grades... YAY! I checked and I passed the class I thought I'd fail: Speech! I was so worried I'd fail that class. The sad thing though is none of my other grades have been posted UH!

Sigh, anyway. The day before yesterday my temp agency called me up and said that they had a one day job for me. I took it, mostly from pressure, but I think it was worth the 5 hours of stapling. For one, I made a new friend and two, stapling for 5 hours has to be the easiest job ever. Although staying in one position for 5 hours does get you kind of cramped up! My new friend's name is Ebony, I'm supposed to text her back and stuff but I didn't get around to it. I'll probably do it tomorrow.

Well that's the update! I'll probably get more in depth soon, as I like to write. Getting my feelings out there, even if no-one is reading, is still a great stress reliever. ^^

Monday, June 9, 2008


Lately I've become overwhelmed with that 'excited' feeling whenever I think of someone... Why? I've told myself that even if I were to get together with somebody it would be in my own area code... Why do I feel so... In love? Is that the proper way to express it? I feel kind of embarrassed even talking about this subject because as most of my 'hometown' friends know, I'm very reserved and quiet. This person though... They have this thing about them that I cannot even express... I feel kind of envious that I even let them go.

What's sad is that this person lives on the otherside of the country, and that's why it couldn't...Wouldn't work. Could I just have been wrong... Did I give up something so true that I was too blind to even see it? I feel like I've lost something... How could I have let myself go like that? It's impossible to be in 'love' with someone so far away, but I think it can happen...

This person gave me a call for the first time about 2 weeks ago. It was pretty cool, to hear what they really sound like in real life. They admitted that I didn't sound like they 'thought' I would. I really do like it when they talk, it's pretty amazing... Although I know that I can't get 'involved' with this person because they are already with someone else... They deserve that person to love them. I obviously didn't because I was so oblivious and everything.

It's good though because we'd never really been 'involved' it was more like an internet thing, but I feel like I know them so well that it's so hard to explain. I was an idiot... STUPID ME! God, now I'm listening to these songs that explain everything and make it all so crystal clear... I gave up a chance, and now I'm too late... The 2 main songs that explain this to me that well are "Alone" by Avril Lavigne (I'm the one she's singing about), and "what hurts the most" Cascada's version (She's expressing how I feel)...

Talk about stupid of me... Sigh, I guess there's really nothing I can say or even do... I guess I should probably just let it go.... :(

Cascada's "What Hurts The Most":

Sunday, June 8, 2008

The Amazing Chris Crocker!

Well like most of the American population, I was introduced to Chris Crocker via his 'leave Britney alone' rant. Although I must say that when I first saw it I thought he was kind of weird... But I started watching his posts and came to realize that he's actually got some good points. Although he does seem controversial because of the fact that he's super androgynous, and also that he looks like a female (I was shocked about how much he does!) doesn't mean that he doesn't know his facts. He can express himself to a level where it does cause controversy, and he can piss people off. You seriously should've seen some of the retards posting 'anti-gay' comments just because of his large activism.

He's obviously a homosexual, so if you get offended by anything like that then don't leave hate or that you think it's wrong. I don't care what you think, take your bigotry and shove it! Anyway, he apparently enjoys video blogging much more than writing, although I don't think I could ever really video blog at all... I'm too self-conscious...

Well you could only get what I mean from watching a few of his videos. If you haven't seen his stuff before, don't be shocked. I admit that it's kind of weird at first, but you get used to it!

Friday, June 6, 2008

Interracial Relationships

How come whenever I put my point-of-view out there about this subject I get called a racist. How can I be a racist for being half and half? It's actually kind of amusing for people to say 'well you're half, so you can't be against it'. Uh, well news flash did I CHOOSE to be half? Nope, therefore I can say that I don't like it. Being once race is the only way to be successfully assimilated into any culture. To be accepted completely in the American Culture you have to be white, and to be successful in the Mexican culture you have to be fairly brown-skinned. Well anyway, I'm going to state my opinion on the matter.

Could it be considered racist to get disgusted to see two different races together? Example, White-Black, Black-Hispanic, Hispanic-White etc. Whenever I do I can't help but get pissed off, but I don't even know why. I believe that if people were meant to mix breed then there wouldn't be a bunch of different races or anything right? God, I hate seeing people in these kinds of relationships, it's very irritating! I can't even imagine what to think! I see stupid banners across the internet promoting this kind of behaviour and I can't stand it! It's stupid, and personally kind of immoral. People should stick to their own races for their 'sexual desires'. Like the saying goes ' it's good for the couple, bad for the kids'.

I will only stand for one type of exception! If the person is dating a person someone within their 'category'. That's of course if they are mixed due to their parents. I could date perhaps a white person, or a hispanic person. BUT THAT IS IT! Nothing else because then I'd become a hypocrite and I don't see myself doing it anyway. DO THE SAME!

Friday, May 30, 2008

Silent Hill : Origins

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Well I finally picked up a copy of my favourite franchise. Ever since I found about it being ported over to the Ps2, I knew that I would have to get it to experience its fantastic gameplay (in which I expected because of the previous games). Anyway, it retains its level a creepiness to an extent. I love it! Personally, at first I thought it was a bit awkward. The game controls were a bit new, and slightly different than that of the other Playstation ones, but quickly I got a hang of it.

It utilises a new way of playing. In previous games you would only be allowed to enter "Nightmare Silent Hill" only via the means of a strange "siren" like sound. Now, you simply have to touch a mirror anywhere and you are automatically transported into the blood-filled, monster contained world. Although I must admit that this new way to get into the alternate world was strange, and kind of hard to get used to. Even as I approached the end of the game I still found it to be weird.

It introduces a new character by the name of Travis Grady. He's a truck driver and is on his way to Brahms for a quick stop. But he decides to cut through Silent Hill to save time, but finds himself pushing on the brakes as a young girl in a blue outfit walking out in front of his semi. He gets out of the truck and decides to follow the little girl through the weaving roads, and eventually finds a house amongst the fog. The house is on fire, and you hear a scream come from within it. So, the game starts with that, you enter the house and... Well, if you want to know PICK UP THE GAME!

Overall I'd give this one a 8/10. Sure it was a good game, it even brought back Pyramid Head. I have to admit though it was too easy. Strategy Guides and walkthroughs online labeled most of the bosses as "difficult", and for that reason I found myself saving a total of 15 times. The bosses were actually relatively easy. Even the final boss was a cinch, although I thought I was going to die because of the lack of ammo, but because this game allows you to use your fists (different than the others) you can attack when you are completely out of ammunition. It was also too short, when compared to the other Silent Hills. I wasn't dissapointed though. It still retains some of the same flavour as the other Silent Hill games. The puzzles were just as complicated, but they gave more hints on how to complete them. The game brings you to some new areas like a Theatre, a Sanitarium, and a Motel. But it brings back old places like the Achimilla Hospital.

I look forward to playing it again and again just to unlock everything that it has. One thing I don't get it as that it doesn't let you choose a difficulty. I would've looked forward to playing through it again on the Extreme Modes like Silent Hill 3. Hopefully though it does let you choose Hard, because when I think about it, the game was pretty easy.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Political Rant

Everytime someone votes, they get their voice heard. Well, that's what the American people are told but I don't necessarily know if it is true or not. From what I have seen with the whole ordeal with not counting Florida and Michigan delegates in favour of Hillary Clinton is a sign that it's not true. Of course Barack Obama wasn't on the ballot in Michigan, well if the headchair, Howard Dean would pull his head out of his ass maybe Barack Obama could be in a new Michigan re-vote. Of course Barack Obama doesn't want them to count anyway. Why? Because he knows that if they do, Hillary Clinton will over throw him in Delegate count and popular vote.

Sure everytime that he says something, he's applauded and considered the next John F. Kennedy or whatever. Well, if that's true, can't someone tell me what his future would end up being?

In all case, the democratic process needs to be fixed. We need to rid the stupid caucuses and replace them with primaries that don't swing in favour of a single candidate. It would not only fix the problem that we are having with the voting, but make sense! What would also be good is having all of the contests on 1 single day! Then it'll all be over by the next day... Jeez, some people just need to think a little bit.

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Monday, May 19, 2008

A whore, and I knew it!

I found out a few days ago a fact, but I already knew it was true. My cousin, Jessica is a whore. Of course I knew this! My cousin Amanda (Jessica's Sister) got all pissed off at me for stating the truth, so far that she actually started punching me in the face! Apparently, Jessica cheats on her boyfriend with other guys, pulls "trains" and does other stuff. See? I knew she was a whore all along, and when I do say that it's true what happens? I get punched for it. Soon she'll be pregnant, and having 5 babies, but all of them from different daddies!

In case you don't know, I hate whores. Personally, I would like if it were legally possible to execute hookers, prostitutes and gutter sluts. I mean seriously, what are their point? They just screw around for money, but they are really worthless and don't deserve the life that they have. They obviously don't appreciate it, and when people that do matter tell them things they get all offended and say "I'm a human too! I make mistakes!" It's not mistake that they are whores!
My cousin Jessica is no exception. She's a fucking prostitute, whore-bag, gutter slut. Who probably sells herself for money, because she is worthless without life. It's kind of sad, because I used to be good friends with her. Until she moved and became the whore that she is today.

Jessica, the whore!

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Don't let her charm and/or good looks fool you! It's all a facade!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Police, Heartattack, and You Know Who

What a devastatingly interesting week I've had! On Saturday night I got pulled over by the cops. Talk about an experience. I was all nervous and stuff because I didn't have a license or anything. He told me that he pulled me over because I didn't have my lights on. (Something that I commonly forget to do.) Anyway, he ended up letting us go because my mom faked a low-blood sugar so I was lucky. What do they do to you if you're caught driving without a license? Do you go to jail?

So last week my Speech and Writing classes were cancelled. Well except for my writing class on Thursday, that wasn't cancelled. My professor had a heartattack like during the weekend before last week and couldn't come in because he had to do bypass surgery or something. I was pleased because I really didn't want to go to class and present my stupid speech! I know, it's morbid, but I'd rather not present it. I told myself with basically a week off I'd work on it and make it better but so far the only the thing that has improved is the idea of me doing it. I don't know if it's due today or not; I HOPE NOT!

Lately a certain person has been on my mind lately. Eh, I don't know if YOU KNOW but I'm sure someone does. Anyway, a lot of songs have been reminding of this person! It's weird, but I feel like I might never see them again. I do see them all the time on myspace, but that's only if they're logged in. Even so, I might leave a comment and not get anything back. I suppose that they're very busy with stuff, so I shouldn't pester. Sigh, I dream about them all the time though. Whenever I think about this person I get all warm and fuzzy. Could it be love? I don't know.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Islam - The Relgion of Hate

For your viewing pleasure, here is a video on the hypocrisy that is Islam. All those who are Muslim, don't know what they are doing. They are in an evil religion that is bent on destroying the west, killing innocents, and taking over the planet with their evil.

It's all true about what that video states. Muslims need to open their eyes and see what they really are.