Friday, September 19, 2008

License, School, and feelings...

I finally went and got my license today. I've been driving around for a little bit and it's a good feeling that I can take myself places without having to worry about a ride. :D I went to the YMCA today and worked out for a little bit, and then I went back to my High school to visit my old teachers.

The guy at front didn't want to let me in though, well at first. After awhile he allowed it and I got in. I was shocked to see that my picture was on a wall along with all the 2007 Graduates from the school; what a memory it was. I forgot how the school was and everything. There are a lot of things different but it has the same feeling. I loved hanging out with friends and stuff, now a lot of my old friends are scattered, away... I'm glad that a lot of my really good friends are still around though. :D

I visited with my teaches for about 10 minutes and then I left. Boring huh? Not really, I was able to get out of the house which is always good I suppose. :)


Although all is well, I feel pretty sad though. From seeing all the pictures from everyone on the plaque, I know that a lot of them probably won't be alive for the 10 year reunion. I know it's weird that I'm sad about that - there was a lot of people I didn't even know... But hopefully all can show up, along with all my friends. :)

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