Sunday, October 19, 2008

Fire Inside.... ?

Hm. I haven't written for awhile. It's not because I hate blogger, but because I haven't had a reason to blog. It's been rather neutral for awhile around me. Not so much to blog about, so there's no reason to.

I bought a bunch of DVD's, My Spanish Coach for DS, Pokemon Platinum and Resident Evil 3 to keep myself occupied. So far it's all working, I'm not so bored. I've also been downloading a lot more lately. Thank god for torrents! Boy, if you don't know what those are, you had best look them up!

Anyway, I found a spell to help protect good health. I plan on using it for when I hang out with my friends on Halloween. We all need good health, and well, I want it.

Spell To Protect Good Health

Light a red candle. Say:

I invoke Gangida, great protector!
May we look after your treasures,
as our bodies are your treasures!

Light a black candle. Say:

Nullify disease as it approaches this body
Arm my blood with guards To slay all intruders!

Light a green candle. Say:

Gangida, grant protection
from all imbalances in the heavens,
from the earth, from plants, from air;
from my past and from my future.
Protect me from east to south,
from west to north!
May my body be rendered healthy
under Gangida's protection!

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