Saturday, November 8, 2008

America is NOT a fucking church

Seriously. All the religious idiots who try to impose THEIR lifestyle on the majority of people are dumb asses. I'm sick of all this shit where if one is not apart of a christian sector, they are damned to hell. WHO GIVES A FUCK?! I make my choice to not support such ideologies because they are FLAWED. Why should I live by a doctrine that promotes hate? Those who say it doesn't should go fuck themselves, seriously. You see religious assholes standing on corners, ABORTION CAUSES CANCER, GAYS GO TO HELL, YOU WILL GO TO HELL IF YOU DON'T SUPPORT JESUS... I'm sick of it. All you idiots who believe that everyone should 'love' your God, should love your beliefs, it's time for you to shove it.

What really sets me off is that stupid Proposition 8. I could have sworn that Religion is not supposed to be involved in any sort of politics? What the hell was the fucking Mormon church doing giving millions of dollars to YES on Prop 8??

I don't want to sound extreme, but I'm tired of this. It's time that people stand up against those oppressive, pompous, idiotic people, and fight hate with hate. So the next time I see some idiot standing with a sign saying that I'm going to hell, I'm going to punch him/her in the face.

The Christian God says to not pass judgement on others - that's exactly what they are doing!

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