Friday, June 27, 2008

Bigoted Pricks

I'll let your formulate your own opinions about this prick asshole. I came across this on the Homosexuality Forum on the Psypoke Website.

This is just my opinion; but homosexuality is wrong. The parts weren't made to be compatible.
Most of the time their general demeanor just, to be frank, pisses me off. I don't mind them if they don't go around shouting, "I'm gay, i'm gay," at the top of their lungs, but the ones who openly show their sexuality make me mad.

I don't mind bisexuals though; at least they like the opposite sex.

Say my logic is flawed, I honestly don't care. It's my opinion, and if you don't like it get over it.

I just have to say that it's unbelievable how people are in this world... This is what I meant by my last blog... Why can't we live in a world where everyone gets along no matter their beliefs, orientation, or anything?! It really angers me, and saddens me at the same time...

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