Sunday, June 8, 2008

The Amazing Chris Crocker!

Well like most of the American population, I was introduced to Chris Crocker via his 'leave Britney alone' rant. Although I must say that when I first saw it I thought he was kind of weird... But I started watching his posts and came to realize that he's actually got some good points. Although he does seem controversial because of the fact that he's super androgynous, and also that he looks like a female (I was shocked about how much he does!) doesn't mean that he doesn't know his facts. He can express himself to a level where it does cause controversy, and he can piss people off. You seriously should've seen some of the retards posting 'anti-gay' comments just because of his large activism.

He's obviously a homosexual, so if you get offended by anything like that then don't leave hate or that you think it's wrong. I don't care what you think, take your bigotry and shove it! Anyway, he apparently enjoys video blogging much more than writing, although I don't think I could ever really video blog at all... I'm too self-conscious...

Well you could only get what I mean from watching a few of his videos. If you haven't seen his stuff before, don't be shocked. I admit that it's kind of weird at first, but you get used to it!

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