Friday, June 6, 2008

Interracial Relationships

How come whenever I put my point-of-view out there about this subject I get called a racist. How can I be a racist for being half and half? It's actually kind of amusing for people to say 'well you're half, so you can't be against it'. Uh, well news flash did I CHOOSE to be half? Nope, therefore I can say that I don't like it. Being once race is the only way to be successfully assimilated into any culture. To be accepted completely in the American Culture you have to be white, and to be successful in the Mexican culture you have to be fairly brown-skinned. Well anyway, I'm going to state my opinion on the matter.

Could it be considered racist to get disgusted to see two different races together? Example, White-Black, Black-Hispanic, Hispanic-White etc. Whenever I do I can't help but get pissed off, but I don't even know why. I believe that if people were meant to mix breed then there wouldn't be a bunch of different races or anything right? God, I hate seeing people in these kinds of relationships, it's very irritating! I can't even imagine what to think! I see stupid banners across the internet promoting this kind of behaviour and I can't stand it! It's stupid, and personally kind of immoral. People should stick to their own races for their 'sexual desires'. Like the saying goes ' it's good for the couple, bad for the kids'.

I will only stand for one type of exception! If the person is dating a person someone within their 'category'. That's of course if they are mixed due to their parents. I could date perhaps a white person, or a hispanic person. BUT THAT IS IT! Nothing else because then I'd become a hypocrite and I don't see myself doing it anyway. DO THE SAME!

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