Wednesday, June 25, 2008

College, Psychology, and blogging...

So I've started back at college now for a total of 3 days. So far it's good, although since it's the summer course now everything is at a much faster pase because everything must be covered in such less of time. Everything is okay, but my math class is my evil 'speech' class this quarter. Speech last quarter was the most homework driven course, and now it's math. We've been given 4 assignments in math and they're all do on Monday. We also have a test over those assignments next week, although I don't know when.

My favourite class would happen to be Psychology. My instructor is amazing and she shares some of her personal experiences and her own wisdom with us as a class. Today was the most amazing class experiences so far. She explained the 'chair' method with getting people to express their feelings towards someone they can't speak to either because of a traumatic issue or that the other person is deceased. Anyway, she's a therapist but she teaches as a second job, so that's a reason why she went in depth today about the method. Which in my opinion was well explained and very interesting. I really look forward to continuing my education with this class and it's helping me to see that I have made the right to decision and I can't wait to learn more about people and of course myself.

So I've been blogging now for about 2 years. I haven't blogged everyday, but now that I've started to 'rediscover' my blog, I've been able to organize my thoughts and feelings. I love blogging, and it's going to be something that I will try to do even more often. I know it's like an addiction now, but not reading or playing videogames, but it's a level below. That doesn't mean that it's not important, it is, but it's difficult to get around to everyday when you lead a busy life.

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