Thursday, June 26, 2008

Field of Innocence

I've posted what this song means to me before, but never on this site.

This song is written by Amy Lee, and was sung by her many years ago. This song has the most meaning to me than any other song in the world. Why? Because the lyrics tell a story about a person having to grow up so fast, for so many reasons and that 'the sun felt so warm on his/her back but now it seems colder now'. Sometimes whenever I feel depressed about something... I remember this song, and it helps me a lot. I want to go back to knowing nothing, and believing in everything.

It's amazing what power this song holds. 'Where has my heart gone? Trapped in the eyes of a stranger. Oh I, I want to go back to believing in everything...' I know how many people say that they're glad for being an adult already. It could be partly of a tramatic childhood or even that they hated their childhood. I can say that my own wasn't perfect, but I didn't hate it. I loved being a child, where everything was so worry free... Without consequence and without anger... The sun did seem warmer then, but now it feels colder. Now that I've grown and am much more mature I find that there are many things in this world that aren't great...

There's so much hatred, sadness and evil in this world that it's horrible. I find myself almost everyday wondering how someone like me exists in such a world... Terrorism, bigotry and everything in between being so prevelant that it seems impossible for one to even consider making it into the real world unscathed.

'In the darkness of the storm lies an evil, and it is me.'

'I still remember'

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