Saturday, June 14, 2008

Hectic week? Don't Think so!

So lately I've been a little sick and achy. Jeez, I hate getting sick... I mean what kind of sicko would? It drains you out, makes you feel bad... And ew, makes you leak from your nose! I'm starting to feel better though; but my throat is still kind of hurting. Hopefully I'm fully better by tomorrow so I can enjoy my week off before I start my new quarter. Which reminds me! I need to look up my grades... YAY! I checked and I passed the class I thought I'd fail: Speech! I was so worried I'd fail that class. The sad thing though is none of my other grades have been posted UH!

Sigh, anyway. The day before yesterday my temp agency called me up and said that they had a one day job for me. I took it, mostly from pressure, but I think it was worth the 5 hours of stapling. For one, I made a new friend and two, stapling for 5 hours has to be the easiest job ever. Although staying in one position for 5 hours does get you kind of cramped up! My new friend's name is Ebony, I'm supposed to text her back and stuff but I didn't get around to it. I'll probably do it tomorrow.

Well that's the update! I'll probably get more in depth soon, as I like to write. Getting my feelings out there, even if no-one is reading, is still a great stress reliever. ^^

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