Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Political Rant

Everytime someone votes, they get their voice heard. Well, that's what the American people are told but I don't necessarily know if it is true or not. From what I have seen with the whole ordeal with not counting Florida and Michigan delegates in favour of Hillary Clinton is a sign that it's not true. Of course Barack Obama wasn't on the ballot in Michigan, well if the headchair, Howard Dean would pull his head out of his ass maybe Barack Obama could be in a new Michigan re-vote. Of course Barack Obama doesn't want them to count anyway. Why? Because he knows that if they do, Hillary Clinton will over throw him in Delegate count and popular vote.

Sure everytime that he says something, he's applauded and considered the next John F. Kennedy or whatever. Well, if that's true, can't someone tell me what his future would end up being?

In all case, the democratic process needs to be fixed. We need to rid the stupid caucuses and replace them with primaries that don't swing in favour of a single candidate. It would not only fix the problem that we are having with the voting, but make sense! What would also be good is having all of the contests on 1 single day! Then it'll all be over by the next day... Jeez, some people just need to think a little bit.

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