Monday, May 19, 2008

A whore, and I knew it!

I found out a few days ago a fact, but I already knew it was true. My cousin, Jessica is a whore. Of course I knew this! My cousin Amanda (Jessica's Sister) got all pissed off at me for stating the truth, so far that she actually started punching me in the face! Apparently, Jessica cheats on her boyfriend with other guys, pulls "trains" and does other stuff. See? I knew she was a whore all along, and when I do say that it's true what happens? I get punched for it. Soon she'll be pregnant, and having 5 babies, but all of them from different daddies!

In case you don't know, I hate whores. Personally, I would like if it were legally possible to execute hookers, prostitutes and gutter sluts. I mean seriously, what are their point? They just screw around for money, but they are really worthless and don't deserve the life that they have. They obviously don't appreciate it, and when people that do matter tell them things they get all offended and say "I'm a human too! I make mistakes!" It's not mistake that they are whores!
My cousin Jessica is no exception. She's a fucking prostitute, whore-bag, gutter slut. Who probably sells herself for money, because she is worthless without life. It's kind of sad, because I used to be good friends with her. Until she moved and became the whore that she is today.

Jessica, the whore!

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Don't let her charm and/or good looks fool you! It's all a facade!

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