Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Police, Heartattack, and You Know Who

What a devastatingly interesting week I've had! On Saturday night I got pulled over by the cops. Talk about an experience. I was all nervous and stuff because I didn't have a license or anything. He told me that he pulled me over because I didn't have my lights on. (Something that I commonly forget to do.) Anyway, he ended up letting us go because my mom faked a low-blood sugar so I was lucky. What do they do to you if you're caught driving without a license? Do you go to jail?

So last week my Speech and Writing classes were cancelled. Well except for my writing class on Thursday, that wasn't cancelled. My professor had a heartattack like during the weekend before last week and couldn't come in because he had to do bypass surgery or something. I was pleased because I really didn't want to go to class and present my stupid speech! I know, it's morbid, but I'd rather not present it. I told myself with basically a week off I'd work on it and make it better but so far the only the thing that has improved is the idea of me doing it. I don't know if it's due today or not; I HOPE NOT!

Lately a certain person has been on my mind lately. Eh, I don't know if YOU KNOW but I'm sure someone does. Anyway, a lot of songs have been reminding of this person! It's weird, but I feel like I might never see them again. I do see them all the time on myspace, but that's only if they're logged in. Even so, I might leave a comment and not get anything back. I suppose that they're very busy with stuff, so I shouldn't pester. Sigh, I dream about them all the time though. Whenever I think about this person I get all warm and fuzzy. Could it be love? I don't know.

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