Saturday, May 3, 2008

Canadian Movies in America, and Nintendo Wifi sucks!

So I was shopping at my local conveniant store and saw an entire box of DVD's for sale. I decided that I would pick through them and see if I can find something that I'd probably like. With luck, I found 4 movies. After I bought them and was on my way home I noticed that it had Canadian ratings on them. I couldn't understand why this was, and I still don't. Why are movies that are supposed to be sold in Canada in the United States? I know that they work in the players here, but I just cannot understand why they are being sold here? Could the store I used be buying them from a Canadian company because they are cheaper? Hmm...

I was trying to connect to a friend on Nintendo Wifi over the past couple of days and I cannot. I gave them my friend code and everything and yet it fails. They don't show up, and I don't show up. I emailed Nintendo, but couldn't figure out the problem. So I deleted the wifi settings and got a new friend code. Hopefully this will work now, but I don't know what the problem is. It's getting very annoying, and I'm getting very angry!

PS. I emailed Nintendo Wii Support instead of Nintendo DS! Oops!

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