Friday, July 25, 2008

Craving a book, Chris Crocker Leaves, Camden

Over the past couple of days, I have been craving something. At first it was very difficult to discover what it was, but then I realized with shock... I NEED TO READ A BOOK!!! The only books I have read in the past 5 months were freaking college books, math books, and stuff I DID NOT WANT TO READ!!! I need to add fresh information for my brain... It's driving me nuts... I used to read all the freaking time and not having that freedom to just lay down in my bed and read a good novel is driving me nuts... I really cannot wait for my entire month break coming up! AUGUST 15 WILL BE MARKED ON MY CALENDER.... *Salivates*...


So I logged into Youtube a few moments ago and saw that my subscription has been updated. Chris Crocker has stated that he is finally leaving youtube all together and will have his own website. I think it's great because if people don't like him, then they won't check out his site. He states that he's really looking forward to it, but my question is: Are all of his videos still going to exist on his youtube account? Or is he going to delete his account all together?

Chris Crocker Leaves!


Camden... What a person he is. He's so amazing and so great. I wish I never turned him down, it's kind of weird that I even admit that I do like him. I don't feel embarrased for posting this, I don't think any of my friends are even going to read this. Anyway, he's so cute and he's such a good person - he just doesn't realize it. I love everything about him, and there's nothing I don't like. We have so much in common, we love the same movies, the same games, and the same a lot of things. He's dating a guy named Nick, and well I wish them the best. If anything does happen between them well I will be there to console Camden, (Not to become the new BF or anything) but to help him through the tough time. He deserves the best, and it's obvious that I am the best.

1 comment:

  1. I've always admired Chris as a instivtively brilliant video blogger, and in many ways I'm sad that he's left youtube and probably video blogging for a while.

    If you're interested to hear about the reasons why Chris left YouTube, check out our new interview with him on our podcast, Feast of Fools.

    Click here to listen to the interview.
