Monday, July 28, 2008

New day, new blog

Last night I got about 3 hours of sleep, eh more or less. I'm not even that tired but later I know that I will be exhausted! I didn't sleep last night for reasons that are unknown to me. I wasn't warm, I wasn't excited, and I wasn't hungry - although I did eat last night. :D

I watched Halloween - Unrated, director's cut... Which is very different than the one that I watched online... There were a lot of things that were cut out of the online version, while the version that I bought included what seemed like 20 minutes that I had never even seen. I think the version I watched was the deleted scenes - included in the film.

I get an entire month's break at the end of this quarter! That plus like 7 days. More than enough time to get my license and finally be able to drive. I'm just too afraid to call the person to make an appointment with them... I just don't like calling someone I don't know...

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