Sunday, July 13, 2008

The Plot Thickens...

So I was originally planning to blog about the crap load of homework that I currently have, but have decided that I'm going to write about the news that I recently discovered.

Well a few days ago I wrote my friend Sarah, whom I graduated with in '07. We've seen eachother a couple of times and we even ate at subway. Well that email I sent her came back yesterday and it was filled with information that I was very shocked to learn about. First off, she's a Mormon so she's supposed to have good intentions, niceness and modesty. Well she told me that she had sex before getting married, now is pregnant GOT married, (DIDN'T EVEN INVITE ME) and well has basically forgotten all about me.

I wouldn't have cared about those other things if she had told me around the time it started to happen. I feel as if we sort of lost our connection... It makes me sad to say this but she's a hypocrite. I don't even know if I can talk to her anymore. She hasn't spoken to me in more than 3 months and well she drops that bomb unto me... She used to be the person that I knew would follow her own beliefs, to not stray from them... I'm not religious but she's really lost her way now.

I don't give a shit if anyone says that I have no right to say anything - I don't care. I need sometime to think... To decide. Usually when people do this to me, and we're 'supposed' to be friends I don't fall back unto my friendship that we had. It's almost impossible to get my trust back, to become friends again. I can't even fucking think clearly...

Friendships are built on being able to tell eachother things, not totally ignore them as non-existent and expect someone to understand... I'm not that way, and I don't forgive someone for lying to herself. Never...

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