Thursday, July 17, 2008


I haven't blogged for a couple of days. Well there goes my goal of trying to blog everyday but I have been overly stressed with life and college. The homework is heavy, but I feel relieved enough now to write since it's all done. Right now I'm watching my favorite comedian, Kathy Griffin and contemplating putting my pillow and blanket into the dryer so I can go to bed. Recently the weather here in Idaho is relatively warm and slightly humid. I hate hot weather, it makes me sweat so much. That's the reason why I had to wash my pillow and blanket...

For some reason my room has been getting extremely hot. I swear to hell that it gets like 105 degrees in my room during the day. Having a fan in there makes it more tolerable, but it really just pushes around the hot hair back and forth... Sigh, hopefully this weather will cool down!

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