Saturday, August 23, 2008

My Birthday

Well I meant to post this before my birthday but I never got around to it.

It was pretty cool. All of my close friends got to attend and they got a long well with eachother. We talked, watched funny clips on the internet and ate food. A small portion of my family came, and they were : Aunt Sandy, Uncle Fritz, Patrick, and Amy. I was saddened to not see Estella or Daisy but I don't know. The party officially ended at 2:00 am where Jake and Aaron were watching Roseanne with me, and then they realized that they needed to go home!

Does it feel different being 19? Nope, not at all... In fact I feel exactly the same. I think that I will feel different when I turn 21 because, well, I can buy booze. Eh, I doubt I will though. When I turned 18 I didn't buy cigarettes and smoke them!

Well my birthday was yesterday on the 22nd, thanks for saying Happy Birthday!

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