Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Mon Anniversaire

My Birthday was great today. Though, It was dull at first since I couldn't find anything for us to do. Kira, Nalani, Kira's Boyfriend, Jake, and Aaron all came over. As with many family members. I got Silent Hill about 3 hours before everyone started to arrive. When they came, I put in the remake of Carrie, since Kira hasn't seen the movies but, she did read the book. We all watched that, it was great! Except for the excessive groping fest that Kira's boyfriend kept doing.
After the movie, everyone began to come. We had pizza, and cake, which was put away quite well. Kira gave me the gift that she got for me. She's really cool, she got me the first book of the series that she reads. I must say, they are a really good series. It has zombies, vampires and the works. She also gave me a card and some money. Her cousin, Nalani, gave me half a pound of chocolate.. I thought it all went very well, and I was very happy that all of my friends managed to show, except for like 3. I do have more friends, but I have like no way of contacting them....
After all my friends left, I watched Silent Hill again. I think it's the best ever adaption of game series ever made. Tomb Raider, and Resident Evil didn't follow many elements of the game. I heard a third one is in the making, I really hope not...

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