Saturday, September 2, 2006

Such Tired Times

Over the past couple of days I have been in school. It started like 5 days ago, and I hoped it would be fun. But, it's not. It is the hardest year of school I have ever had in my entire school career. Firstly, Government is very difficult, anyone who says that it is easy deserves to be bitch slapped. I thought it would be easy as long as I do the work, and I have been. However, my teacher thinks it's very funny to give us 4 assignments to do, they're all do on seperate days, but they aren't that easy. 2 of them were ok, but the other two weren't. I still need to finish my stupid Scavenger Hunt...
I have always hated Science, and everything associated with this subject. I'm taking Chemistry, and I hate it. I just wish the entire section would just collapse, and end my worries. Honestly, I thought Chemistry was a subject where you utilise your knowledge of chemicals? Why must we learn to convert Gallons to liters, Inches to miles? It has nothing to do with science, what the hell are people taking? I only have this class so I can go to college, but I really don't think I want to that much anymore. I have to pass all my classes now in order to go anyhow. I'm required to community service for my Government class, yeah, right when I have enough to worry about, talk about stupid.
My French class is the best one, we do work, but it's the work that I really enjoy doing. I love the French Language, and everything associated with it. I'm in the Advanced class, so I don't need to hide my extensive knowledge over a third year. I do need to work on the past tense, but not by much. I don't understand the elements of use, it's very different than that of English. I also have trouble with the subjunctive, it's much more harder than the English subjunctive by far. The French subjunctive is only used in a sense of doubt, worry, etc in the speakers mind at the time. I was told on Monday, that I get to go to France with the class, and I'm pretty happy about that. I just need to get a job, so my Mom doesn't have to pay all of it. Plus, I would like to have extra money to spend, and buy souvenirs, and also anything I might need or want.
The first week of school was difficult, even English class is hard! God, I know all of the English language already even the subjunctive!(ex. It's imporant that I be there) or maybe it's because it's the language that I grew up knowing. We have to read our books, and right down a daily log on it, damnit, I just remebered that I need to do read a few chapters today! I also have to finish my freaking Chemistry labs(2 in 2 days!).

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