Friday, June 27, 2008

Bigoted Pricks

I'll let your formulate your own opinions about this prick asshole. I came across this on the Homosexuality Forum on the Psypoke Website.

This is just my opinion; but homosexuality is wrong. The parts weren't made to be compatible.
Most of the time their general demeanor just, to be frank, pisses me off. I don't mind them if they don't go around shouting, "I'm gay, i'm gay," at the top of their lungs, but the ones who openly show their sexuality make me mad.

I don't mind bisexuals though; at least they like the opposite sex.

Say my logic is flawed, I honestly don't care. It's my opinion, and if you don't like it get over it.

I just have to say that it's unbelievable how people are in this world... This is what I meant by my last blog... Why can't we live in a world where everyone gets along no matter their beliefs, orientation, or anything?! It really angers me, and saddens me at the same time...

A Past Viewing...

I was just looking at a lot of my past postings and I must say.. What the hell? Two years really change a person, but jeez I changed a lot... I seriously believe now what my 10th grade English teacher told me that it's fun to look at your past writings and you will see how much you really have changed as a person. Yeah I was pretty amazed. I'm kind of creeped out to even look at my past journals from High School, back when I really didn't take my writing seriously.

WOW.... That's the only word for it... Wow...

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Field of Innocence

I've posted what this song means to me before, but never on this site.

This song is written by Amy Lee, and was sung by her many years ago. This song has the most meaning to me than any other song in the world. Why? Because the lyrics tell a story about a person having to grow up so fast, for so many reasons and that 'the sun felt so warm on his/her back but now it seems colder now'. Sometimes whenever I feel depressed about something... I remember this song, and it helps me a lot. I want to go back to knowing nothing, and believing in everything.

It's amazing what power this song holds. 'Where has my heart gone? Trapped in the eyes of a stranger. Oh I, I want to go back to believing in everything...' I know how many people say that they're glad for being an adult already. It could be partly of a tramatic childhood or even that they hated their childhood. I can say that my own wasn't perfect, but I didn't hate it. I loved being a child, where everything was so worry free... Without consequence and without anger... The sun did seem warmer then, but now it feels colder. Now that I've grown and am much more mature I find that there are many things in this world that aren't great...

There's so much hatred, sadness and evil in this world that it's horrible. I find myself almost everyday wondering how someone like me exists in such a world... Terrorism, bigotry and everything in between being so prevelant that it seems impossible for one to even consider making it into the real world unscathed.

'In the darkness of the storm lies an evil, and it is me.'

'I still remember'

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

College, Psychology, and blogging...

So I've started back at college now for a total of 3 days. So far it's good, although since it's the summer course now everything is at a much faster pase because everything must be covered in such less of time. Everything is okay, but my math class is my evil 'speech' class this quarter. Speech last quarter was the most homework driven course, and now it's math. We've been given 4 assignments in math and they're all do on Monday. We also have a test over those assignments next week, although I don't know when.

My favourite class would happen to be Psychology. My instructor is amazing and she shares some of her personal experiences and her own wisdom with us as a class. Today was the most amazing class experiences so far. She explained the 'chair' method with getting people to express their feelings towards someone they can't speak to either because of a traumatic issue or that the other person is deceased. Anyway, she's a therapist but she teaches as a second job, so that's a reason why she went in depth today about the method. Which in my opinion was well explained and very interesting. I really look forward to continuing my education with this class and it's helping me to see that I have made the right to decision and I can't wait to learn more about people and of course myself.

So I've been blogging now for about 2 years. I haven't blogged everyday, but now that I've started to 'rediscover' my blog, I've been able to organize my thoughts and feelings. I love blogging, and it's going to be something that I will try to do even more often. I know it's like an addiction now, but not reading or playing videogames, but it's a level below. That doesn't mean that it's not important, it is, but it's difficult to get around to everyday when you lead a busy life.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

L'amour comme il devrait être...

Je me trouve, chaque jour dans une vie sans de l'amour... Je sais que je dis à tout le monde que je n'ai pas envie de le trouver... Mais avec une personne qui j'ai déjà dit 'non', pourquoi est-ce que je me demande s'il m'adore toujours? Il m'a dit qu'il m'adore un peu et il veut aller un jour en France pour visiter, avec moi (pendant des vacances). C'est comme je n'ai pas le courage de me dire que ce n'est possible...

Il est le copain d'un autre... Je ne devrais pas essayer d'être ça...

Thursday, June 19, 2008

I have a Myspace!

Haha, I really don't have a topic or anything to discuss today! So I thought I'd let any passer-byers know that I have a myspace account besides having such an awesome, well-read blog! Hmm, so yeah those who have one, and like the things I have to say ADD ME! Let me know though that you like what I say, or that we have something in common! Like I always say, it's good to meet people with similar interests, as it helps friendship to grow!


Saturday, June 14, 2008

Kathy Griffin - The Goddess of comedy

, Yeah I've been meaning to write about the ever-so-wonderful Kathy Griffin. It's kind of funny though that I'd never really liked her until about maybe 2 months ago. I was watching one of her specials on Bravo and she was doing a standup comedy. I think it was called 'straight to hell', but anyway since then I've been hooked! She's so hilarious, and she really can cause controversy. I really can't see why people don't like her, she has an awesome personality and a sense of humour that not many people have nowadays.

My favourite comedian used to be Margaret Cho, but now she's second when compared to Kathy. I actually think Kathy has had much more publicity than Margaret has had. From Seinfeld to saying "suck it Jesus", Kathy really has made a career for herself. Don't get me wrong, I still love Margaret's amazingly 'gay' humour. Seriously, she's good, but I like Kathy a lot more.

So anyway, I was thinking about actually buying Kathy's comedy specials off of Amazon... Then I realise that I have other things I need, and want to buy.... I guess that I'll just have to add her specials to my list of things to buy and go through it much later.

A clip of Kathy telling British people that she's making a sex tape with Judi Dench!

Hectic week? Don't Think so!

So lately I've been a little sick and achy. Jeez, I hate getting sick... I mean what kind of sicko would? It drains you out, makes you feel bad... And ew, makes you leak from your nose! I'm starting to feel better though; but my throat is still kind of hurting. Hopefully I'm fully better by tomorrow so I can enjoy my week off before I start my new quarter. Which reminds me! I need to look up my grades... YAY! I checked and I passed the class I thought I'd fail: Speech! I was so worried I'd fail that class. The sad thing though is none of my other grades have been posted UH!

Sigh, anyway. The day before yesterday my temp agency called me up and said that they had a one day job for me. I took it, mostly from pressure, but I think it was worth the 5 hours of stapling. For one, I made a new friend and two, stapling for 5 hours has to be the easiest job ever. Although staying in one position for 5 hours does get you kind of cramped up! My new friend's name is Ebony, I'm supposed to text her back and stuff but I didn't get around to it. I'll probably do it tomorrow.

Well that's the update! I'll probably get more in depth soon, as I like to write. Getting my feelings out there, even if no-one is reading, is still a great stress reliever. ^^

Monday, June 9, 2008


Lately I've become overwhelmed with that 'excited' feeling whenever I think of someone... Why? I've told myself that even if I were to get together with somebody it would be in my own area code... Why do I feel so... In love? Is that the proper way to express it? I feel kind of embarrassed even talking about this subject because as most of my 'hometown' friends know, I'm very reserved and quiet. This person though... They have this thing about them that I cannot even express... I feel kind of envious that I even let them go.

What's sad is that this person lives on the otherside of the country, and that's why it couldn't...Wouldn't work. Could I just have been wrong... Did I give up something so true that I was too blind to even see it? I feel like I've lost something... How could I have let myself go like that? It's impossible to be in 'love' with someone so far away, but I think it can happen...

This person gave me a call for the first time about 2 weeks ago. It was pretty cool, to hear what they really sound like in real life. They admitted that I didn't sound like they 'thought' I would. I really do like it when they talk, it's pretty amazing... Although I know that I can't get 'involved' with this person because they are already with someone else... They deserve that person to love them. I obviously didn't because I was so oblivious and everything.

It's good though because we'd never really been 'involved' it was more like an internet thing, but I feel like I know them so well that it's so hard to explain. I was an idiot... STUPID ME! God, now I'm listening to these songs that explain everything and make it all so crystal clear... I gave up a chance, and now I'm too late... The 2 main songs that explain this to me that well are "Alone" by Avril Lavigne (I'm the one she's singing about), and "what hurts the most" Cascada's version (She's expressing how I feel)...

Talk about stupid of me... Sigh, I guess there's really nothing I can say or even do... I guess I should probably just let it go.... :(

Cascada's "What Hurts The Most":

Sunday, June 8, 2008

The Amazing Chris Crocker!

Well like most of the American population, I was introduced to Chris Crocker via his 'leave Britney alone' rant. Although I must say that when I first saw it I thought he was kind of weird... But I started watching his posts and came to realize that he's actually got some good points. Although he does seem controversial because of the fact that he's super androgynous, and also that he looks like a female (I was shocked about how much he does!) doesn't mean that he doesn't know his facts. He can express himself to a level where it does cause controversy, and he can piss people off. You seriously should've seen some of the retards posting 'anti-gay' comments just because of his large activism.

He's obviously a homosexual, so if you get offended by anything like that then don't leave hate or that you think it's wrong. I don't care what you think, take your bigotry and shove it! Anyway, he apparently enjoys video blogging much more than writing, although I don't think I could ever really video blog at all... I'm too self-conscious...

Well you could only get what I mean from watching a few of his videos. If you haven't seen his stuff before, don't be shocked. I admit that it's kind of weird at first, but you get used to it!

Friday, June 6, 2008

Interracial Relationships

How come whenever I put my point-of-view out there about this subject I get called a racist. How can I be a racist for being half and half? It's actually kind of amusing for people to say 'well you're half, so you can't be against it'. Uh, well news flash did I CHOOSE to be half? Nope, therefore I can say that I don't like it. Being once race is the only way to be successfully assimilated into any culture. To be accepted completely in the American Culture you have to be white, and to be successful in the Mexican culture you have to be fairly brown-skinned. Well anyway, I'm going to state my opinion on the matter.

Could it be considered racist to get disgusted to see two different races together? Example, White-Black, Black-Hispanic, Hispanic-White etc. Whenever I do I can't help but get pissed off, but I don't even know why. I believe that if people were meant to mix breed then there wouldn't be a bunch of different races or anything right? God, I hate seeing people in these kinds of relationships, it's very irritating! I can't even imagine what to think! I see stupid banners across the internet promoting this kind of behaviour and I can't stand it! It's stupid, and personally kind of immoral. People should stick to their own races for their 'sexual desires'. Like the saying goes ' it's good for the couple, bad for the kids'.

I will only stand for one type of exception! If the person is dating a person someone within their 'category'. That's of course if they are mixed due to their parents. I could date perhaps a white person, or a hispanic person. BUT THAT IS IT! Nothing else because then I'd become a hypocrite and I don't see myself doing it anyway. DO THE SAME!