Friday, May 30, 2008

Silent Hill : Origins

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Well I finally picked up a copy of my favourite franchise. Ever since I found about it being ported over to the Ps2, I knew that I would have to get it to experience its fantastic gameplay (in which I expected because of the previous games). Anyway, it retains its level a creepiness to an extent. I love it! Personally, at first I thought it was a bit awkward. The game controls were a bit new, and slightly different than that of the other Playstation ones, but quickly I got a hang of it.

It utilises a new way of playing. In previous games you would only be allowed to enter "Nightmare Silent Hill" only via the means of a strange "siren" like sound. Now, you simply have to touch a mirror anywhere and you are automatically transported into the blood-filled, monster contained world. Although I must admit that this new way to get into the alternate world was strange, and kind of hard to get used to. Even as I approached the end of the game I still found it to be weird.

It introduces a new character by the name of Travis Grady. He's a truck driver and is on his way to Brahms for a quick stop. But he decides to cut through Silent Hill to save time, but finds himself pushing on the brakes as a young girl in a blue outfit walking out in front of his semi. He gets out of the truck and decides to follow the little girl through the weaving roads, and eventually finds a house amongst the fog. The house is on fire, and you hear a scream come from within it. So, the game starts with that, you enter the house and... Well, if you want to know PICK UP THE GAME!

Overall I'd give this one a 8/10. Sure it was a good game, it even brought back Pyramid Head. I have to admit though it was too easy. Strategy Guides and walkthroughs online labeled most of the bosses as "difficult", and for that reason I found myself saving a total of 15 times. The bosses were actually relatively easy. Even the final boss was a cinch, although I thought I was going to die because of the lack of ammo, but because this game allows you to use your fists (different than the others) you can attack when you are completely out of ammunition. It was also too short, when compared to the other Silent Hills. I wasn't dissapointed though. It still retains some of the same flavour as the other Silent Hill games. The puzzles were just as complicated, but they gave more hints on how to complete them. The game brings you to some new areas like a Theatre, a Sanitarium, and a Motel. But it brings back old places like the Achimilla Hospital.

I look forward to playing it again and again just to unlock everything that it has. One thing I don't get it as that it doesn't let you choose a difficulty. I would've looked forward to playing through it again on the Extreme Modes like Silent Hill 3. Hopefully though it does let you choose Hard, because when I think about it, the game was pretty easy.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Political Rant

Everytime someone votes, they get their voice heard. Well, that's what the American people are told but I don't necessarily know if it is true or not. From what I have seen with the whole ordeal with not counting Florida and Michigan delegates in favour of Hillary Clinton is a sign that it's not true. Of course Barack Obama wasn't on the ballot in Michigan, well if the headchair, Howard Dean would pull his head out of his ass maybe Barack Obama could be in a new Michigan re-vote. Of course Barack Obama doesn't want them to count anyway. Why? Because he knows that if they do, Hillary Clinton will over throw him in Delegate count and popular vote.

Sure everytime that he says something, he's applauded and considered the next John F. Kennedy or whatever. Well, if that's true, can't someone tell me what his future would end up being?

In all case, the democratic process needs to be fixed. We need to rid the stupid caucuses and replace them with primaries that don't swing in favour of a single candidate. It would not only fix the problem that we are having with the voting, but make sense! What would also be good is having all of the contests on 1 single day! Then it'll all be over by the next day... Jeez, some people just need to think a little bit.

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Monday, May 19, 2008

A whore, and I knew it!

I found out a few days ago a fact, but I already knew it was true. My cousin, Jessica is a whore. Of course I knew this! My cousin Amanda (Jessica's Sister) got all pissed off at me for stating the truth, so far that she actually started punching me in the face! Apparently, Jessica cheats on her boyfriend with other guys, pulls "trains" and does other stuff. See? I knew she was a whore all along, and when I do say that it's true what happens? I get punched for it. Soon she'll be pregnant, and having 5 babies, but all of them from different daddies!

In case you don't know, I hate whores. Personally, I would like if it were legally possible to execute hookers, prostitutes and gutter sluts. I mean seriously, what are their point? They just screw around for money, but they are really worthless and don't deserve the life that they have. They obviously don't appreciate it, and when people that do matter tell them things they get all offended and say "I'm a human too! I make mistakes!" It's not mistake that they are whores!
My cousin Jessica is no exception. She's a fucking prostitute, whore-bag, gutter slut. Who probably sells herself for money, because she is worthless without life. It's kind of sad, because I used to be good friends with her. Until she moved and became the whore that she is today.

Jessica, the whore!

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Don't let her charm and/or good looks fool you! It's all a facade!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Police, Heartattack, and You Know Who

What a devastatingly interesting week I've had! On Saturday night I got pulled over by the cops. Talk about an experience. I was all nervous and stuff because I didn't have a license or anything. He told me that he pulled me over because I didn't have my lights on. (Something that I commonly forget to do.) Anyway, he ended up letting us go because my mom faked a low-blood sugar so I was lucky. What do they do to you if you're caught driving without a license? Do you go to jail?

So last week my Speech and Writing classes were cancelled. Well except for my writing class on Thursday, that wasn't cancelled. My professor had a heartattack like during the weekend before last week and couldn't come in because he had to do bypass surgery or something. I was pleased because I really didn't want to go to class and present my stupid speech! I know, it's morbid, but I'd rather not present it. I told myself with basically a week off I'd work on it and make it better but so far the only the thing that has improved is the idea of me doing it. I don't know if it's due today or not; I HOPE NOT!

Lately a certain person has been on my mind lately. Eh, I don't know if YOU KNOW but I'm sure someone does. Anyway, a lot of songs have been reminding of this person! It's weird, but I feel like I might never see them again. I do see them all the time on myspace, but that's only if they're logged in. Even so, I might leave a comment and not get anything back. I suppose that they're very busy with stuff, so I shouldn't pester. Sigh, I dream about them all the time though. Whenever I think about this person I get all warm and fuzzy. Could it be love? I don't know.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Islam - The Relgion of Hate

For your viewing pleasure, here is a video on the hypocrisy that is Islam. All those who are Muslim, don't know what they are doing. They are in an evil religion that is bent on destroying the west, killing innocents, and taking over the planet with their evil.

It's all true about what that video states. Muslims need to open their eyes and see what they really are.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Madrid Subway Bombings

I happened across this during my usual Youtube visits.. It's very sad; I know that there are people in the world who thought this couldn't touch them.. And that the United States was the only place that would've experiences this kind of thing, but we weren't. Many people in Spain probably thought that it sucks for us... Until this happened. I'm not saying they deserved it, because they didn't! No-one deserves what happened to them on that day. The same with us, why can't there be anyone in the world that will say, "Americans didn't deserve what happened on September 11"?

I admit that some people will, and those are good people. But it seems to me, that it actually takes something like this to happen to them before they actually try their best to help the problem.. It takes a tragedy before anyone realizes that they are not untouchable.

The video was extremely sad... You hear people suffering and screaming.. It will take your breath away, if you have a heart.. However, if you don't have the stomach, or don't care what happens to other countries besides your own, then don't watch!


Saturday, May 3, 2008

Canadian Movies in America, and Nintendo Wifi sucks!

So I was shopping at my local conveniant store and saw an entire box of DVD's for sale. I decided that I would pick through them and see if I can find something that I'd probably like. With luck, I found 4 movies. After I bought them and was on my way home I noticed that it had Canadian ratings on them. I couldn't understand why this was, and I still don't. Why are movies that are supposed to be sold in Canada in the United States? I know that they work in the players here, but I just cannot understand why they are being sold here? Could the store I used be buying them from a Canadian company because they are cheaper? Hmm...

I was trying to connect to a friend on Nintendo Wifi over the past couple of days and I cannot. I gave them my friend code and everything and yet it fails. They don't show up, and I don't show up. I emailed Nintendo, but couldn't figure out the problem. So I deleted the wifi settings and got a new friend code. Hopefully this will work now, but I don't know what the problem is. It's getting very annoying, and I'm getting very angry!

PS. I emailed Nintendo Wii Support instead of Nintendo DS! Oops!