Sunday, March 15, 2009

Spontaneous Recovery & Psychology

Spontaneous Recovery in Psychology is when a person was previously broken from a learned behaviour but a stimulus caused that behaviour to re-emerge and that person to partake back into what was previously lost. This can be put into many forms from learning not to yell, to simple emotions. I find that after learning about this concept in my Psychology class, I realize how often people go through it. In fact, yesterday I went through it again and still am from talking to a person that I really loved. I mean, I was going through negative thoughts about how this person probably didn't want to talk to me (for reasons I didn't even know; they probably still wanted to but was busy) but when I got the call and they told me that they had been thinking about me the whole day... that brought back so many previous feelings and emotions so suddenly.

I mean I re-fell in love after I made myself lose those feelings. I mean they are very intense right now; there's the excitement, loving, and longing that has always been there but tucked away until I was shown a previous cause of my behaviour... Which was that other person; I fell in love with them for who they are, and when I experienced their feelings and thoughts it caused those feelings to come right back... Hopefully if you knew nothing about Psychology and "Spontaneous Recovery" you do have a general idea of it now.

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