Friday, March 6, 2009

Aspects That Rule Me...

So I totally stole this from my best friend.

Things that rule my life: 4 things





I figured instead of listing them, I would explain them somewhat.

Emotion rules my life because I usually let how I feel direct my behaviour toward something. If I feel really sad about something, then I let that direct what I do for that day, along with hatred, happiness, and all the other emotions. Not only that but I can totally get caught up in how I am feeling and lose myself in it.

Knowledge because I have this intrinsic need/motivation to learn! I mean anything that fascinates me I will learn about. Languages, personalities, alternative religions, countries, witchcraft, cities, psychology - all that good stuff and more I have a constant craving for. Whenever I learn something new, I feel fulfilled inside, and excited about it... In fact right now I feel like I need to read some new data, information, or something!

Power... I feel the constant need for this. If I were in a ruling position, I would use it correctly but I would also lavish in it. I constantly feel the need to dominate something, not a person though, but be the leader. I could never dominate a loved one, nor a lover, but I would like to dominate their organization of things!

Music because it can totally change behaviours. I could be in such a crappy mood that it totally elevates it to a different level. Lately though I have been listening to music that has been relating to the drama in my life and also to my general personality... Some examples? "We Belong Together" by Mariah, "Sally's Song" by Amy Lee, "Poker face" by Lady GaGa, "Nicest Thing" by Kate Nash, and "My Happy Ending" by Avril... These are only examples; I do listen to a larger list though. I should also note that since this ties into emotion, I find that music can express what I want to express better sometimes. So if I can't really explain something, there's usually a song that will do that.

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