Wednesday, March 11, 2009

So much to do!!!

Wow, so finals are next week so that means that this quarter is almost done. The Winter Quarter has so far, in my opinion, been the best quarter. My grades are good, and I love it! I've also really taken to studying so that explains my grades as the previous quarters studying wasn't something I did. I thought that my learning style was "Visual" but after reading about "Auditory" that makes sense. They say that auditory learners learn best when there is sound while one is studying. When I was doing my math and had friends here, they were talking and I was blowing through my math and totally understood it. That also explains when I studied psychology (On the test I got an 85) it was because I was listening to music while reading!

Well anyway, in Psychology we're covering chapters nine and ten on human development and so far it's the most difficult and the longest. We have to memorize all of the theories because we were told that there just isn't enough time to break it all down. I think I can do it, especially if I really study.

Oh, speaking about Psychology I got my essay back and I got extra credit on it. She wrote really nice comments on it and everything so I think she really liked my paper. I also feel very proud of it; as it put to work what I was learning in Psychology over the last two quarters so breaking down BBM really was fascinating. I needed people's input on it though so I went to the ultimate site for BBM which is and all the great people there helped give me ideas and submitted their thoughts.

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