Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Finals - Done!

So I had my final finals today! Psychology and Literature. I'm so glad that I studied for my Psychology because it was pretty difficult but I loved it! I really hope I did well on that because I studied so much. My literature was okay, my professor allowed us notes so it wasn't as bad. The essay was pretty hard as he wanted us to compare/contrast realism and naturalism using examples and possible literature references - yikes! I should know my grades by next week, hopefully.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Spontaneous Recovery & Psychology

Spontaneous Recovery in Psychology is when a person was previously broken from a learned behaviour but a stimulus caused that behaviour to re-emerge and that person to partake back into what was previously lost. This can be put into many forms from learning not to yell, to simple emotions. I find that after learning about this concept in my Psychology class, I realize how often people go through it. In fact, yesterday I went through it again and still am from talking to a person that I really loved. I mean, I was going through negative thoughts about how this person probably didn't want to talk to me (for reasons I didn't even know; they probably still wanted to but was busy) but when I got the call and they told me that they had been thinking about me the whole day... that brought back so many previous feelings and emotions so suddenly.

I mean I re-fell in love after I made myself lose those feelings. I mean they are very intense right now; there's the excitement, loving, and longing that has always been there but tucked away until I was shown a previous cause of my behaviour... Which was that other person; I fell in love with them for who they are, and when I experienced their feelings and thoughts it caused those feelings to come right back... Hopefully if you knew nothing about Psychology and "Spontaneous Recovery" you do have a general idea of it now.

True Love & Love at First Sight

I believe in true love. Although love at first sight doesn't exist because you can't just see someone and 'fall' for everything that they are because you don't even know them yet! You fall in love with a person for who he/she is, emotions, personality, compatibility, and interests. It can be of course much more than just those because everyone falls in love with another person very differently. It all depends on you as a person...

Love at first sight is a total fantasy, we don't live in a world of Romeo and Juliet where people who just met are willing to die for eachother.

Since this is about love, I found a quote not too long ago that I really like : "Nobody is perfect until you fall in love with them."

Friday, March 13, 2009

Emotional and Love hurts

Gosh, I've been very emotional lately over love... I mean when you fall in love with somebody for WHO they are, and not for their body why must they totally (well I was told at one time that they had the same feelings) not feel the same way? I mean this person I really like totally is going for this other guy who is a total douche, and obviously only wants this person for the body and not the emotional connection. I have made this connection for over two years and yet that other person has a higher priority over me? That angers me a little bit, I mean honestly. That douche leaves comments on my friend's page about "Stay Sexy" and all that crap... I leave comments with videos of love songs and all that stuff. I mean I love this person for everything that they are, and we have so much in common - the physical-thing, I couldn't care less about. I love this person for who they are as a person - Just wish that they would really see that.

BTW. As a language person, I had so much trouble using "They" instead of "He/she"... I just had to keep the person gender neutral...

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Organ Donation

So I was reading this article on Yahoo! Canada about a group of people who were donating kidneys just to do it to help another person. It was very inspiring and amazing to see people do that for someone that they didn't even know. It made me start thinking about if I would do that, and I probably would. I mean, life is the most important thing in the world and saving someone's life is probably one of the best favours one can ever do. Although when I was reading about the donation of a kidney, and I was thinking about that but for some reason I got a serious pain in my side... Perhaps that's a psychologically-caused pain? Hopefully!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

So much to do!!!

Wow, so finals are next week so that means that this quarter is almost done. The Winter Quarter has so far, in my opinion, been the best quarter. My grades are good, and I love it! I've also really taken to studying so that explains my grades as the previous quarters studying wasn't something I did. I thought that my learning style was "Visual" but after reading about "Auditory" that makes sense. They say that auditory learners learn best when there is sound while one is studying. When I was doing my math and had friends here, they were talking and I was blowing through my math and totally understood it. That also explains when I studied psychology (On the test I got an 85) it was because I was listening to music while reading!

Well anyway, in Psychology we're covering chapters nine and ten on human development and so far it's the most difficult and the longest. We have to memorize all of the theories because we were told that there just isn't enough time to break it all down. I think I can do it, especially if I really study.

Oh, speaking about Psychology I got my essay back and I got extra credit on it. She wrote really nice comments on it and everything so I think she really liked my paper. I also feel very proud of it; as it put to work what I was learning in Psychology over the last two quarters so breaking down BBM really was fascinating. I needed people's input on it though so I went to the ultimate site for BBM which is ennisjack.com and all the great people there helped give me ideas and submitted their thoughts.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

I hate imperfection.

So from browsing the net looking for a super-cool template to replace my old template, I ended up totally ruining my blog... Good thing I backed it up and everything so I was able to re-upload it and delete my older one. I'm glad I did, it adds freshness to my stuff and whatever plus I changed all of the colours. Well, that's an update, seriously.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Aspects That Rule Me...

So I totally stole this from my best friend.

Things that rule my life: 4 things





I figured instead of listing them, I would explain them somewhat.

Emotion rules my life because I usually let how I feel direct my behaviour toward something. If I feel really sad about something, then I let that direct what I do for that day, along with hatred, happiness, and all the other emotions. Not only that but I can totally get caught up in how I am feeling and lose myself in it.

Knowledge because I have this intrinsic need/motivation to learn! I mean anything that fascinates me I will learn about. Languages, personalities, alternative religions, countries, witchcraft, cities, psychology - all that good stuff and more I have a constant craving for. Whenever I learn something new, I feel fulfilled inside, and excited about it... In fact right now I feel like I need to read some new data, information, or something!

Power... I feel the constant need for this. If I were in a ruling position, I would use it correctly but I would also lavish in it. I constantly feel the need to dominate something, not a person though, but be the leader. I could never dominate a loved one, nor a lover, but I would like to dominate their organization of things!

Music because it can totally change behaviours. I could be in such a crappy mood that it totally elevates it to a different level. Lately though I have been listening to music that has been relating to the drama in my life and also to my general personality... Some examples? "We Belong Together" by Mariah, "Sally's Song" by Amy Lee, "Poker face" by Lady GaGa, "Nicest Thing" by Kate Nash, and "My Happy Ending" by Avril... These are only examples; I do listen to a larger list though. I should also note that since this ties into emotion, I find that music can express what I want to express better sometimes. So if I can't really explain something, there's usually a song that will do that.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

color me crazy!

Dang, what a longtime since an update - oh well. Well I've been busy mending my relationship with Camden as we had a very hard fight recently and we're still recovering from it. I even feel a sense of anger toward him for the choices he has made but I don't know.

I'm also busy with school work and I think I'm passing all of my classes now. Math is difficult but I think I will scrape by. Photography, American Literature, and Psychology should have very good grades as I do my best in those classes. Yikes.

Well it turns out that many of my friends are going through crazy times as well and the overall outcome with change us as people, and hopefully that change will be alright. I think I might come out of it as a very different person... I mean, I've seen a side of myself that I hadn't seen in years... A side that's very mean, rude, and jealous. I think now it's going to be a mega-mix of that for now on.

OH! I almost forgot to note. I'm going out to Ohio to spend time with my very good friend, hopefully, in the summer time. I'm going to be taking online classes then so I can get them out of the way but I doubt if it will impede on hanging out with him for a month. BTW, a month does seem like a longtime maybe it will be shorter? I will need to decide of course; I will buying the plane ticket before June so I will be saving up some cash (600+ hopefully) so I can get there and back and still be able to afford food and stuff!