Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Two blogs in one day?

Seriously there must be something wrong here right? Nope, I just feel really bored right now so I might as well write another one. Currently I'm sitting in my school's computer lab doing my "homework", waiting for my next class to begin. I'm very exhausted right now... I'm not even kidding. I feel like I might pass out over this computer and destroy it with my drool. It sucks that my next class is 3 hours long... GRRR! Well at least when I'm done with it, I won't have to take it again! :D However, it doesn't mean that my future classes won't be hard... I have to take like 7 math classes in order to get my associates degree... I guess that an Associate's of Arts in Psychology makes me a math genius when I'm done. How nice.

Right now it's 5:40 PM, I have my next class in only 20 minutes... *Groans*. I have to sit through it and listen to my instructor talk and/or read from our speech book. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that my Princess Diana Speech went well, although it was under the time I was supposed to get it. Our next speech is going to be on "Memorization", in which we have to memorize a poem, etc. I was thinking about doing one on guilt. I have 2 of them at home and it would make it far more conveniant to just use one of them instead of having to look all over the place for some. Right?

Well I had best get going! I like being pretty early to my classes so I had best get a move on.

PS: I'm hungry!

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