Saturday, April 12, 2008

Sickness, and Homework

Without a doubt, I believe that getting sick has to do with my laziness. Not laziness like laying around doing nothing, but laziness when it comes to my homework. I'm piled up with a TON of it, not even kidding. Most of it was assigned on Tuesday, but I'm starting to get on it now. I have a speech do on Tuesday along with a math assignment, and an English Composition Essay. Eh, talk about busy! For some people though, this isn't as busy as a lot of them really are.

I realise that I've actually been posting blogs now. It seems that I have much more to write about. Of course, if someone were to look at previous blogs, I wrote maybe 1 per month. I'm on a roll!!!

Hopefully I feel better before Monday, I have a quiz that day... Well hopefully I do, I can't think when I'm sick... It just doesn't work out.

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