Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Doing Speeches suck

It's true, and you all know it! I have to give a speech today, and I'm not looking forward to it one bit. I can understand why a class like this would exist, but I don't see why we actually have to do speeches in order to understand why they are done. The speech I have to do is a memorization speech ( I chose a Poem), I'm a good way through it, in memorization, but I think that I might fail when I actually have to present it to the entire class. It's stupid, and I hate it. I'm also very tired, so I'm irratable anyway. If I'm still tired by the time 6pm Mountain Time rolls around, then I probably will have been F***** two ways from Friday!

Eh, I'll probably update this on how it went if I don't skip the class.

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