Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Working too much.

Today is going fine so far. I do hate working 10 hours a day, or in this case about 9.5 hours. Maybe that's what is making feel crazy so much? That all of my time is spent working and the only time I have off I feel drained and not up to doing anything? Would that make sense if I have soured on some social relationships? I do know that I'm not really big on getting out and doing things in general and I think that working all this much as made it even worse.

Thankfully the school year is almost over. By next Thursday I will be on summer vacation and back to my other job. I'll have to pick up some more hours of course but at least my mental health won't be stretched so far. I literally think that working this much has taken a massive toll on me.

Here's to hoping that summer will allow me to unwind and feel back to normal.

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