Saturday, June 27, 2009

Trip Update!

Yeah two in one day - yay?

I've been here for eight days now and I've come to see the differences between home and Ohio!

So yeah, I go back home in five days now, not counting today of course. The trip has been interesting so far. I didn't go primarily for fun but just to see what life outside of Idaho was like. All I can say that it's full of different characters, hotter weather, and a stranger atmosphere.

I've never been to a bar before, but I don't know if I'll ever go to one when I go home because it's just not me. I'll probably go again with my friends on Tuesday because, well, if I leave on Friday then I should hangout as much more as possible. The last time though I got molested by a drag queen... Yeah. Before she was asking me all these questions like "Have you ever done drag before? You'd be beautiful!" and "I can make you a star!"; she did say she was kidding about me doing the drag, but not about the star thing in which bothered me. Afterward, I felt uncomfortable through the whole club scene and my good friend Brandy sat there with me the whole time because she and I both felt out of place... Finally, at 2:30 in the morning, my friend was done doing what he was doing and we got to go. By then, the drag queen was in the bag and well she wanted a hug from Brandy and I. I reluctantly gave her one but I thought it would be okay, but then she started feeling me over! She was like "Ooh. You know, I'm a powertop! I have a lot to offer to a boy!"

Here's the club:

and here's my friend Brandy being at the bar table with me:

Yeah and I also managed to go to the real Crystal Lake - you know the Lake where Jason Voorhees killed all those naughty counselors in the Friday The 13th Films? Yeah, it wasn't what I expected.

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