Wednesday, June 3, 2009

One Year Later...

This quarter means that I have been going to TVCC for exactly one year now. It's rather interesting to look back at my blogs from that time to see a level of stress and anxiety that isn't seen very much now since I have adjusted better. I still find my studies to be difficult and sometimes irrelevant to what I would like to do as a career but it does show me how much I have grown in one year: personality, behaviours, thoughts, and friends - all have changed in a certain way. I have made friends I never would have had in High School due to the fact that I'm more open in college and my behaviours, thoughts, and personality have changed due to experience and learning of new material.

I wonder how much introspection has really gone on since a year ago... Perhaps one year from now, I will have grown a little bit more into an even better person...

PS. I haven't blogged recently because of my internet issues and also because of my constant school work-load!

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