Monday, June 29, 2009

One, two, three!! four?

Yikes. I think I totally laid on my arm wrong the other night when my friend's boyfriend spent the night. It's been killing me since last night, and it's going on all day today! I ate and got some excedrin and hopefully that tones down the pain a little bit. Lately the weather has been stabilizing here in Ohio, and I hear back at home it's getting dreadfully hot. Well according to my weather forcast-thing that I have on my computer, which is synced back to Idaho, it says that today is 33 C and tomorrow is going to be 32! What a great homecoming week - when it's freaking hot!!!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

The worst thing you can ever hear....

So yeah, not to sound too assertive or anything but I believe that if someone has a friend spending a few days with him or her, that they should NOT be less than a metre away appearing to be having sex - OK?! I mean seriously. I wasn't even that far away but I swear to God that's what was going on. Not to mention the annoying kissing sounds every so often - they seemed to go on ALL NIGHT. I woke up because of them! They were just smooching, and kissing, and BLAH! I felt dirty and disgusted by it all! I mean seriously, it's only common respect to not do that kind of stuff to wake someone up?

By the way, I don't ever want to hear whether or not someone can ejaculate 14 times in a row. That's like the worst thing you can ever hear - EVER! I mean, I was just laying there, after being woken up at 9:30 AM to that! Seriously, the worst thing you can ever hear...

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Trip Update!

Yeah two in one day - yay?

I've been here for eight days now and I've come to see the differences between home and Ohio!

So yeah, I go back home in five days now, not counting today of course. The trip has been interesting so far. I didn't go primarily for fun but just to see what life outside of Idaho was like. All I can say that it's full of different characters, hotter weather, and a stranger atmosphere.

I've never been to a bar before, but I don't know if I'll ever go to one when I go home because it's just not me. I'll probably go again with my friends on Tuesday because, well, if I leave on Friday then I should hangout as much more as possible. The last time though I got molested by a drag queen... Yeah. Before she was asking me all these questions like "Have you ever done drag before? You'd be beautiful!" and "I can make you a star!"; she did say she was kidding about me doing the drag, but not about the star thing in which bothered me. Afterward, I felt uncomfortable through the whole club scene and my good friend Brandy sat there with me the whole time because she and I both felt out of place... Finally, at 2:30 in the morning, my friend was done doing what he was doing and we got to go. By then, the drag queen was in the bag and well she wanted a hug from Brandy and I. I reluctantly gave her one but I thought it would be okay, but then she started feeling me over! She was like "Ooh. You know, I'm a powertop! I have a lot to offer to a boy!"

Here's the club:

and here's my friend Brandy being at the bar table with me:

Yeah and I also managed to go to the real Crystal Lake - you know the Lake where Jason Voorhees killed all those naughty counselors in the Friday The 13th Films? Yeah, it wasn't what I expected.

Random Passwords

For some reason I'm always mixing up my passwords. I know that some people tend to unify them somehow but I totally used the wrong one for blogger! Strange topic, I know but I realize now that I have four or five set passwords that I use. I have the same for certain sites, and different one for others. Maybe I should make them all the same? Is that a stupid idea? Eh. I've come to realize that have diversity when it comes to passwords isn't a good idea due to the fact that you might mix them up or get them all wrong.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

No Title

So yeah I don't know how I'm feeling about this whole 'vacation' thing. I admit that I do have secondary motives but I find that they are rather ridiculous and a bit of a large, unrealistic goals. I think that my feelings and thoughts persist even though I try to look away from what I was here to do and need to do but I'm not sure anymore. Friendship is complicated so I know that it's worth it no matter how much I do miss my home but I do have two weeks left and it's just a matter if I can make it through it without the homesickness and without my emotions getting in the way.

Three Days.

So I have been here for three days now and all is good. Hanging out with Camden is pretty cool and he's really nice. I've been meeting a lot of his friends and his friends' family so it's been great. I got to see some fireflies in person for the first time yesterday night. I was outside his friend's house and I just saw all these glowing-things floating around and it shocked me! So he and his friend took me on an adventure (in the humid, 82 degree, night-heat) looking for some and we found a ton! It was awesome

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

One Year Later...

This quarter means that I have been going to TVCC for exactly one year now. It's rather interesting to look back at my blogs from that time to see a level of stress and anxiety that isn't seen very much now since I have adjusted better. I still find my studies to be difficult and sometimes irrelevant to what I would like to do as a career but it does show me how much I have grown in one year: personality, behaviours, thoughts, and friends - all have changed in a certain way. I have made friends I never would have had in High School due to the fact that I'm more open in college and my behaviours, thoughts, and personality have changed due to experience and learning of new material.

I wonder how much introspection has really gone on since a year ago... Perhaps one year from now, I will have grown a little bit more into an even better person...

PS. I haven't blogged recently because of my internet issues and also because of my constant school work-load!