Thursday, August 13, 2009

Tender Sugar

Lately I have been in a Metroid mood. I've always loved the games (except for the older ones, in which I have yet to play) and started playing the two that I have again. In Metroid Prime I didn't manage to get 100% completion (came close at 97%) and tried again and managed. Now I'm starting again on Echoes and am totally loving it. I don't have a Wii but next school quarter I plan on getting one to get to play the third one. Ever since my 'awakening' of playing them again I have become obsessed. Samus is awesome! haha.

On a much different note, I feel a little worthless. I feel like the knowledge that I have gained is waning due to the lack of not using it. I review, sometimes, my psychology book to have a type of recovering and it works but I fear I have lost most of that and my Math skills. The worthlessness comes from the feeling that I am not smarter than I was last year, I guess. Hopefully this feeling passes because I know I'm not an idiot, I just need to work harder toward my studies.

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