Sunday, October 19, 2008

Fire Inside.... ?

Hm. I haven't written for awhile. It's not because I hate blogger, but because I haven't had a reason to blog. It's been rather neutral for awhile around me. Not so much to blog about, so there's no reason to.

I bought a bunch of DVD's, My Spanish Coach for DS, Pokemon Platinum and Resident Evil 3 to keep myself occupied. So far it's all working, I'm not so bored. I've also been downloading a lot more lately. Thank god for torrents! Boy, if you don't know what those are, you had best look them up!

Anyway, I found a spell to help protect good health. I plan on using it for when I hang out with my friends on Halloween. We all need good health, and well, I want it.

Spell To Protect Good Health

Light a red candle. Say:

I invoke Gangida, great protector!
May we look after your treasures,
as our bodies are your treasures!

Light a black candle. Say:

Nullify disease as it approaches this body
Arm my blood with guards To slay all intruders!

Light a green candle. Say:

Gangida, grant protection
from all imbalances in the heavens,
from the earth, from plants, from air;
from my past and from my future.
Protect me from east to south,
from west to north!
May my body be rendered healthy
under Gangida's protection!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Okay, I have been without internet, but that hasn't stopped drama!

1. I ate some cheese that we bought the other day and guess what? I got Salmonella Poisoning! It sucks! I feel so weak and tired right now... I have one of the serious symptoms, but I can't go to the doctor... I'll just keep drinking liquids and trying to rest... Jeez, I love cheese... How could it do this to me?

2. The Ouija Board! Holy cow! The other day I was playing it with my mom and I think we encountered a powerful demon! The entire room like sank 10 degrees and it was getting really cold. I felt slight pressure on my arm ( as if someone was touching me) and a powerful draft. My mom was getting creeped out so I told her that if it answers "Yes" or doesn't answer we'll stop playing. She said okay, and I asked it if it was a demon. I got no response. Previously it was very response and everything. So we told it goodbye and moved it to goodbye, and then it stopped moving. It felt as if something VERY strong was pushing on it, like it wasn't ready to stop talking. I mean it was intense, the pressure of that thing! We managed to get it off of the board, and I turned on the light... Immediately the temperature went back to normal...

Knowing me though, I wanted to keep playing it. It intrigued me, I need someone to play it with me when I encounter those things... It's so fascinating, I really want to talk to it again.