Monday, February 21, 2011

Crazy gals

Random blog but I'm totally into Desperate housewives. I never thought I'd enjoy this show but then again I never gave it a chance.

I first got a glimpse in my personality class and that sparked my interest. We had to analyze one of the characters and then compare it to what we were learning. Since then, and now that I found out that its on netflix, I can now say I have a new show!

Friday, February 18, 2011

So I lied.

Okay it's been way longer than two weeks but last semester made me a wreck haha. I got a 1.4 overall GPA and now BSU is angry with me about it. They say that if I don't do better they'll suspend me for a semester... gah. Anyway. Life's okay, kind of crazy but that's expected. Here's to a better semester and good grades!