Monday, August 30, 2010

2nd week

Hello! It's been quite awhile since my last posting, but I have not forgotten blogger land!

Anyway, today marks my second week at Boise State University. Transitioning to a University setting from a community college setting was much easier than I had thought it would be. I think having the core knowledge of how a school works helped that process!

Classes are currently going okay so far. Nothing to crazy - yet! But as a college student I know that will begin to change very soon, am I ready? Nope not yet, but I know it will come. My classes consist of Science, poetry, philosophy, and elementary mathematics so it's not too bad in my opinion. If I were taking these back at TVCC I'd be a highly stressed person but semester systems allow more time to cover things so I think that's why I'm at a slight ease.

Hopefully this week goes by as smooth as last weeks, I'll probably update within a week to see...