So the Winter quarter begins on Monday and I'm looking forward to it. I'm taking four classes this quarter, a total of 14 credits. It's going to be tough but I look forward, mostly, to my Psychology class with my professor/advisor. In Psych 202, we get to watch a film, that we already watched and write a paper on it. It's a film that we personally like, not like a class film, and we have to go back through and talk about the little things that we missed the first time and explain them.
I recently saw the movie Brokeback Mountain and I plan to do it on that film. There was so much symbolism and meaning in such little parts of that film, and I think that it will work well. It was more than just a 'gay cowboy' movie, it was much deeper and more complex... Some people didn't even give it a chance, but it has to be one of the best movies that I have ever seen. Jake Gyllenhaal and Heath Ledger gave very amazing performances. It's sad that it didn't win best picture though, it beat that film that did win by a lot more.
I also saw The Dark Knight and Heath Ledger's performance as the Joker was absolutely amazing. I didn't think that he could pull it off, but he did and he made it his own. He should definitely win an oscar or something for that. It was absolutely amazing and it's very saddening that he passed away almost a year ago and I'm just discovering how amazing his work was... He was a phenomenal actor and he had so much potential...