Friday, November 16, 2007

Through my own veins....

The name of this entry may sound a little funky huh? Well it's supposed to. It's a line from the song by Evanescence called "The Last Song I'm Wasting on You". Which is a very beautiful song, talking about life, and how horrible relationships can turn out; then overcoming those issues and getting away from them. I recommend that you listen to that song, it's very beautiful. But then again, every single word that Amy Lee (of Evanescence) puts down is beautiful without a doubt.

You're probably wondering why I am writing about this song or of Amy Lee or even of Evanescence... It's because I'm going to go see them in the Quest Arena in Boise on November 20th! HELL YEAH! Finally my favorite singer in the entire world decides to come to IDAHO! I'm so overly excited I can't even explain what I'm going through... My friends Kira and Trevin bought me the ticket to go with them. Kira is a big Evanescence fan but I don't know about Trevin. Oh well! My older brother was supposed to get me the ticket but he won't get paid until TODAY! So with the money my brother will be giving me, I'll pay them back!

I sure do hope they give out free things at the concert, or I hope I'll get some money somehow! Cause' I'd love to buy a bunch of souvenirs to remember that the greatest band in the world came and I saw them!

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

An Open Book

Hmm, it seems like it has been litterally months since I have last written on this thing. It's not that I haven't wanted to but more because I have to go to the Public Library in order to access the internet.. Anyway...

Today I am obviously at the Public Library now, I'm supposed to be searching for jobs, and staffing services... It's really really stupid.. I have to take this job class in Nampa every monday and friday until I manage to find a job. But before then I have to accomplish all of these things that the people want... Like the staffing, submitting 8 applications per week, and staying at the 3 hour classes learning things I already know. Talk about irrelevant eh?

But I can't really do anything until I find a stupid job and join the "Workforce".. I just don't like the idea of having to work because I find that using my own time to help benefit another person is no good at all... Can you believe that Mcdonalds wouldn't even hire me? I mean MCDONALDS! It's a lot harder than I really would've thought it to be, and I'm just thinking about dropping the class.. I don't care if I get "sactioned" really... It's my choice to be there.

Enough complaing...

Thursday, May 10, 2007

End of The Road

So graduation is coming up in a few weeks. Or merely just about 12 days. I had always believed I would never see this day come, nor would I experience it. People always told me that the final year in High School just flies by; I never beleived that. But now, I do. I'm perfectly on track, and I could even fail my chemistry class and still graduate ( as it is an elective class..). Currently, in Chemistry, we are doing a sort of "Final Project", which is absolutely ridiculous. I hate it. But, we're almost finished, so why should I be complaining? Because we have to present it to the entire class. I hate presenting, and having to speak in front of everyone. Especially people in the Junior class.. They are such idiots, except a certain few.. But the ones that are dumb are the kind of people who would laugh at you if you were to be getting beat up...

A good thing about this year coming to an end is the yearbook. I hope to have all my friends sign it. A bad thing though it that Daniela has to go back to Germany soon.. And I will really miss her, she and I became good friends through the course of the year. But, I'm sure we'll still talk through Email and Myspace; it's just that it won't be the same.. The other exchange students I don't think I'll miss that much. Except Moa... But the others I didn't really get to know, or I just don't like.. There is going to be a party for the International Club this Friday and I won't be going because it's at the house of the Ukraine kid which in particular, I just don't like that much. (I should delete him from my Myspace?)...

Well, In short Graduation is coming up. New memories will be made, old ones will be put away.. New friends will become good friends and I sitll need to plan out my future!