Tuesday, December 5, 2006

Always New

I'm very happy. Or content I should say as that seems to be more explanatory than happy. Anyway, since I had previously been unable to pay for my trip to France in the spring, some of my teachers had gotten together and payed for the ticket. I think it was very kind of them. School isn't as hard as I had explained of the first week. It's improved, and much more easier than ever. Chemistry is still the most ridiculus class I have to take. All of my classes except Chemistry are great, Economics is going nice even Government.
Since I have been in Government class, we have been learning of the Constitution. I liked it so much that I downloaded a PDF form, I know, nerdy.. But it's actually a really good read. It's hard to believe that a group of men wrote something so great, and it's still in use even today!
I'm actually in some clubs this year unlike last year. I'm in Recycling, French and the International Club; where I get to design the T-shirt. No one else came up with a design, and everyone liked it. I'm beginning soon, I just needed to get a tutorial so I could adjust some images in Photoshop.
I've made some new friends this year; which should be no surprise at all for anyone. We have a foreign exchange student from Germany, and she's really cool. She invited me to join the International Club; the idea of the club was mainly from the students in the exchange. She's (Daniela) is teaching me some simple German phrases, like "Clock" or "Television". She's also really funny, she does have an attiude but she only gets it if she is really irratated.
French class is going good too. We're covering a lot of stuff that is going to obviously be useful. I really need to come up with some more sentences for that class soon. We have to tell our teacher a certain amount of sentences each semester for a grade; not really hard, but hard to come up with the sentences.
There is so much more I want to write about, but I think I would be digging a little deep, and exposing myself a little, but maybe I should save the rest for my Myspace blog...